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View Full Version : polar coordinates in sketchup

lowell holmes
11-27-2013, 10:05 PM
I try entering a polar coordinate in sketchup as shown here.


It does not work for me.

I have used AutoCad for over 30 years, so cad drafting is not foreign to me.

Can anyone help?

Bob Lang
11-27-2013, 10:10 PM
SketchUp is its own animal, and it is harder to learn if you don't forget what you know about AutoCAD and learn to speak its language. Kind of like going to France and trying to speak German. No matter how loud you yell in German, it doesn't work.

Bob Lang

John Bomment
11-27-2013, 10:55 PM
I still have a lot to learn in Sketchup but I think Polar C. will work in Layout (2d) but not Sketchup (3d) ?

Here's a plugin from Matt666 at Skethucation that might work.
Scroll down to "Polar line"

lowell holmes
11-27-2013, 11:02 PM

I understand that. What is bothering me is they say in their help site that there is a polar coordinates command, but I can't get it to work.

I am using Sketchup 8, not the professional.

I can put lines in with offset coordinates, but polar coordinates would be simpler. I must be doing something wrong.

We have an old corner cabinet that is over 100 years old. It is one that was obviously done by an individual, not a furniture maker. It is well done, made with handtools. The raised panel doors are obviously hand planed. It has a finished cornice on the top. It is a large piece, made of pine, and is in two pieces.

I want to make the plans for it. I have done the plans in AutoCad, but a computer crash lost it I thought that if I made the plans in Sketchup, it would be easier to share them in the woodworking community.

There are four raised panel doors. I have them drawn, with the stiles and rails, as well as the panels. Using your videos, I was able to use the follow me tool and make the raised panels.
The piece has been in my wife's family at least 75 years.

Thanks for responding.

I saw your reply after I posted this, thanks for responding.

lowell holmes
11-29-2013, 2:25 PM

I finished the drawing to a point that I have the image.

The piece is 76" tall and 46" wide, so I don't imagine it will be built, but it is a pleasing piece.

I had to draw it without using polar co-ordinates. I have downloaded a file that is supposed allow polar coordinates, but I have not found time to load it.

Here is an image of the drawing.


glenn bradley
11-29-2013, 2:32 PM
Nice piece. I agree that exact and polar coordinates do not work in the free version. Much of the Help area and discussions on boards fail to specify if the discussion is about the free or pay version ;( Your drawing looks like you have the camera set to Parallel Projection. Setting the camera to Perspective can yield a more pleasing result.