View Full Version : Pepper Mills

George Morris
11-23-2013, 9:00 PM
Here are a few new peppermills , Finish is antique oil and buffed. comments welcome!

Pat Scott
11-24-2013, 11:30 AM
George if I could give you a suggestion, make the area where the knob meets the top bigger. I think it detracts from the looks when the knob is bigger than the wood. I make this area 1/2" which is just a hair bigger than the knob (it gives about 1/16" of wood around the knob). Your mill 2nd from the right looks the best in this area. I'd also work on getting a tighter gap where the top meets the body.

I think I like the red one the best because the top looks shorter which makes the overall proportions of the mill look better. Physically the top might be the same length as the others, but because you have that outward V detail where the two halves join (at the bottom of the top half), the eye thinks the top is shorter.

We can't see the mill 2nd from the left at all! Can you spread these out a bit and post another picture?

Richard Madden
11-24-2013, 12:25 PM
Nice mills, George. I just recently turned some mills, which I had never done before and they are fun. I agree with Pat, I like the red one best. Good job!