View Full Version : A woodworking shop victory!

Edward Mitton
11-22-2013, 11:56 AM
It has finally happened...the LOML has decided that a good portion of our partially finished basement can now be turned into a wood shop! This came about largely because of her interest and learning how to use a scroll saw and lathe, so she will actually be using the shop more than I will. She's retired, and gets to stay home all day. Lucky Duck!

Needless to say, I am elated! I can now move my operation out of the cramped 8 x 12 space I had in the garage to a very spacious...and warm...area.

So, I have been very busy the last couple of weeks moving benches, tools, hardware, and wood stock down the stairs and getting it all arranged and organized in the new space. I have managed to cobble together enough temporary shop 'furniture' to make it completely functional now. In the midst of it all, m'lady and I have been able to knock out several wood toy projects to give to the Grand-Kiddos for Christmas.

Since I am largely a hand tool user, I see no reason to have much in the way of dust collection other than a good broom, brush, dust pan, and a 'dust bin'.
The only power tools I am allowing in the basement are a bench top drill press, a hand power drill, and the scroll saw, since none of these generate a significant amount of airborne dust. The missus will be the primary user of this equipment.

I also have a chop saw set up that I was using for wall framing, but it has a shop vac hookup and I will still only be using it to continue on with wall framing.

The lathe, band saw, grinder, and any sanding apparatus are still staying in the garage.

Happily, I have totally weened myself away from the table saw, so it will definitely be part of my next yard sale!

I still have a lot of electrical and lighting work to do as well as building some good tool cabinets and storage units, but what a great shop space it is already!

I'll post some pix soon.

Steve Beadle
11-22-2013, 12:51 PM
Good for you, Edward! It's nice that the LOYL enjoys doing some woodworking, too.
I was wondering whether you plan to do finish work in the new shop, or keep that activity in the garage?
Also, since you mentioned that you've been making some wooden toys, have you seen Norm Marshall's book on wooden toys. It's been around for many years, but it still ranks as one of the best, IMHO.

Edward Mitton
11-22-2013, 1:02 PM
We will continue with finishing activities in both places: garage in the summer, and basement in the winter. Indoors, I resort to a window mounted fan to blow fumes outdoors. We haven't noticed any finishing odors pervading the rest of the house with this arrangement.

I have seen Norm's book at Woodcraft, but have yet to purchase one. There's a lot of good stuff in there...