View Full Version : funny, i started a big bowl too

sascha gast
06-06-2005, 6:57 PM
i also started a big bowl, big leaf maple, 27"x24"x11", the first work out for my new lathe.
i started very slow, about 150 to 180rpm, no wobble or vibration , now , a few hours into it, the balance is getting better and i can turn it at about 300rpm and it feels very secure.
still not decided if i core the inside of the bowl out, to make another bowl, we'll see when i reverse it.
i sure like having the aux. bed and the 2 banjos, it's an amazing feeling to spin a chunk that large and so much out of round.


Gary Max
06-06-2005, 7:14 PM
Sascha I turned a platter last week just to see how the lathe ran out.
The biggest thing I noticed is the speed difference from the center of the blank to the outside edge. Never felt this before on the smaller lathe.
That is one heck of a nice hunk of wood you got there--- I would have to make payments on it. I have been saving big log ends for a couple of years---I always knew that I was going to buy a big lathe.
Be safe and enjoy.

Ernie Nyvall
06-06-2005, 10:30 PM
Your not starting a big bowl, your starting a small swimming pool on that wonderful lathe. Good luck with it.


John Shuk
06-06-2005, 10:35 PM
Looking good Sascha. I have to tell you I have been stalking all of the different Stubby sites since you got that lathe. I have to start saving my pennies.

John Hart
06-06-2005, 10:50 PM
Jumping right in to the monster stuff eh Sasha? Can't say I blame you. Good luck with that and I hope to see the finish!

sascha gast
06-07-2005, 12:05 AM
hey john, if you cn do it, save up, i can't tell you how solid this thing is, i am so impressed.
i am sure the 3520 or the 2436 are great, but the stubby is in a class only with the VB36. a bit pricey, but this WILL be my last lathe


John Shuk
06-07-2005, 7:30 AM
I'm pretty amazed at the versatility of it.

Jim Becker
06-07-2005, 8:59 AM
Sure didn't take you long to stick a big'un on there, Sascha!! Looks great so far and I can't wait to see it develop further. I haven't done this "really big" thing yet, but your pics might insprire me to try.

Oh, "complimentary" SMC avitar attached.

sascha gast
06-07-2005, 12:47 PM
hehe, thanx jim, i wanted to do that for a while, but always kinda got lazy.
what a nice gift.
