View Full Version : Is it too late?

Aaron Koehl
05-17-2003, 4:06 AM
Is it too late for Ken's workshop sign design?
I've got a few up my sleeve, but here's one that's a
little different.

<B>Conceptual Design</B>

<IMG SRC="http://www.sawmillcreek.org/userpics/ken_sign5-17-03_c.jpg">

This is one of many styles I thought about. As is, it's all vectorized and scalable.
A dark edge treatment contrasts with a lighter face,
complimented by three raised or half-inset (intarsia style) rounded-over panels.
Dark, matching curves Are inlayed in the panels, which could detail
initials or stars and bars, etc. The text is raised, shiny gold (either
painted or from the material). The text at the bottom is etched
or engraved down into the wood and (optionally) filled with paint.
The sign could be hung as is or with a curved steel support, painted
black with decorative twists.

Of course, all of the materials could be replaced with a combination
of industrial tinted and opaque plastics.




<IMG SRC="http://www.sawmillcreek.org/userpics/ken_sign5-17-03.jpg">

Ken Salisbury
05-17-2003, 7:26 AM

It is almost too late - but not quite (deadline was midnight May 20th - but is extended until May 30th). I like the idea except for one thing. If you look at the picture of my shop: http://www.kenswoodcentral.com/Shop1.jpg the sign is intended to be hung on the wall between the walk through door and the large door. I think rather than square it should be somewhat rectangular (maybe). I love your ideas. They should cause some more submissions (only 3 so far). Is this your official entry or is there more to come? You can submit as many as you like.

p.s. Keith !!! where is your entry ?????

Tom Sweeney
05-17-2003, 9:45 AM
While you were busy graduating college The winner was already choosen: :D

Besides your entries are way to classy for Ken's shop ;) :p

Keith Outten
05-17-2003, 7:11 PM

I have made the final decisions concerning the design of the sign I will submit. I will most likely wait until it is a bit closer to the deadline before I unveil my sign. Since the sign is for outdoor use I have chosen materials that are "No Maintenance", that is about all I have to say at this time for that reason... :)

Ken Salisbury
05-17-2003, 7:17 PM
"I will most likely wait until it is a bit closer to the deadline before I unveil my sign. Since the sign is for outdoor use I have chosen materials that are "No Maintenance", that is about all I have to say at this time for that reason... :) "
<p align="center">
Sneaky little devil aren't you ? </p>

Aaron Koehl
05-18-2003, 4:16 PM
Here is another submission:

<B>Conceptual Design</B>

<TABLE BORDER=0 width=300><TR><TD>
<IMG SRC="http://www.sawmillcreek.org/userpics/ken_sign5-18-03_c.jpg"></TD><TD valign="bottom"><IMG SRC="http://www.sawmillcreek.org/userpics/ken_medal.jpg"></TD></TR></TABLE>

Again a different style--this one vertical (24x18)in. It could be made any size, however. This one again has a raised panel with raised lettering (optionally carved or engraved). The entire flag is done intarsia style, thin enough to laser and round over. The stars are inlayed, probably poplar or something very light. The red in the flag doesn't have to be quite so red--more of a red/brown, with the bars done in maple or something contrasting.

Notice the walnut border surrounding each of the red triangles in the flag--these will look nice rounded and against the bars. The flag could have blue in it, but going so far to get the right woods or staining it wouldn't be as pretty in my opinion.

The medallion is polished steel engraved with Ken's official inlay, shown above.

Of course the entire sign could be done with tinted and colored industrial plastics, laser cut, inlayed, and glued for the weather.


_Aaron_ :)



<IMG SRC="http://www.sawmillcreek.org/userpics/ken_sign5-18-03.jpg">