View Full Version : Customer Service at ITS BEST !!!

joe valsi
11-18-2013, 10:30 AM
I would like to give a heads up for some great customer service. WOODPECKERS out of the Cleveland OH area is at the top of my list.

There are a lot of their products in my shop. I have been buying equipment from them for many years, they make outstanding "stuff"

About a year ago, I ordered some of their Box Clamps and couldn't get them to work, so I sent them back for a refund and got it with no problem. I just couldn't get them to work !!!

Then a month ago, I decided to try them again and still I had no luck (what a dumb a**) so I returned them again, and again, returned with no problem.

At the woodworking show in Costa Mesa CA, about 2.5 weeks ago, I talked to one of their people and he showed me how to work them. Man did I feel like a real idiot. I got them to work right there at the show.

I emailed Richard Hummel, the big boss of Woodpeckers, and told him that now that I knew how to use them, I would order some more some time in the future.

Much to my surprise, I got a package from them with a set of the clamps GRATIS !!! Courtesy of Richard !!

That my friends, is the way to run a company !!!! Keep them in mind when you order woodworking products !!


Phil Thien
11-18-2013, 6:34 PM
LOL, I'm going to quickly fire-off some bogus letters to the big cheese at Woodpeckers.

It is good to hear. I always read very favorable comments about the guys.

Edit to add, I just found this video on youtube.com and now I feel like I have to get some:


Very clever design.

Mark Engel
11-18-2013, 8:23 PM
Been using their products for years. Great stuff and great CS. Like you said, that is how you run a business.

Harry Hagan
11-19-2013, 10:23 AM

Your post reminded me that I sent Woodpeckers an email recently about a box clamp promotion and haven’t received a response—what email address did you use?

My query was sent to their email contact address: mailroom@woodpeck.com

Gus Dundon
11-19-2013, 4:28 PM
Good to hear that. I think I'll make an inquiry.

phil harold
11-19-2013, 6:23 PM
Cleveland Rocks!

Biff Phillips
11-20-2013, 12:08 PM
Thanks for the video Phil.. I had two of these, but really wasn't using them correctly either :)

Stew Hagerty
11-20-2013, 1:26 PM
Joe, I could not agree with you more. I am a regular customer of Woodpeckers and everyone there I have ever interacted with, up to and including Richard Hummel,has been the epitome of professionalism.

Just for what it's worth, I went out into my shop and took a few photos of the "Woodpeckers Red" that I am proud to own.


Stew Hagerty
11-20-2013, 1:27 PM
And here is the rest:


Bob Betker
11-20-2013, 1:59 PM
Stew: And I thought I had a lot of their products, now I don't feel so bad. They have great products and great customer service. Always looking forward to their next One-Time Tool announcement.

Stew Hagerty
11-20-2013, 3:34 PM
Stew: And I thought I had a lot of their products, now I don't feel so bad. They have great products and great customer service. Always looking forward to their next One-Time Tool announcement.

Well, everybody collect something I guess. :rolleyes: I take a close look at all of their One-Time Tools, and end up putting in my order a high percentage of the time.

I've also talk with Richard whenever I think of something that might be an idea. Such as "a better mousetrap" version of a honing guide, using the best ideas off of the most popular ones out there today. I've also discussed ideas for a mortising jig for those of use that are planning on spending $1200 on a Domino. Heck, at $1200, a Domino would be by far the single most expensive tool in my shop!

I also collect Mathieson tools. My family heritage is Scottish so I figure it's a natural fit.

But yeah... Woodpeckers is a tribute to good old American Craftsmanship, Entrepreneurship, and Customer Service!

Peter Kuhlman
11-20-2013, 5:39 PM
Ok so what did you do to make the clamps work?
I have 8 of the metal ones. Every time I try them, they just don't seem to draw the pieces together like I thought they would. Sure they clamp nice and tight and at right angles but I had hoped they would pull the boards tight together. Bet I am doing something wrong. Guess I should look to see if there is a YouTube video to their usage.
Pete the dummy ;)

John TenEyck
11-20-2013, 7:10 PM
If you have to have instruction on how to use something as simple as a clamp, something is wrong. Either the operator is incredibly dim or the design of the clamp leaves a lot to be desired. Since more than one of you have had the same problem, it must be the clamp. Now, which would you rather have, a company that has great customer service, or a product that requires none?


Peter Kuhlman
11-20-2013, 7:51 PM
Well I probably have the "dim" part covered. :)
The clamps have an inside triangle that has sloped faces that I believe is supposed to help pull the boards together but I just don't have it work for me. Bet it is my technique. I own quite a bit of Incra and Woodpecker product but this item is the only one not working the way I thought it would.

Sorry to have dragged this post off topic. The staff at Woodpeckers and Incra have been tremendous over the many years I have done business with them. I miss going to the WWing shows and being able to ask questions and see their products in use. They were always so patient and helpful.

Alan Lightstone
11-20-2013, 11:25 PM
Yup. The Woodpecker's stuff is a sickness:

I think Richard has a yacht with my name on it.

That being said, I love their tools and use them every day. Incredibly well built, great customer service.

Stew Hagerty
11-21-2013, 10:33 AM
Oh man Alan... I thought I was the only one suffering this disease!!! I'm pretty sure that Yacht has both of our names on it.

Actually, after seeing your post I realized I had forgotten a few things.


I just thought about something else... I sure hope SWMBO doesn't see this thread.

Andrew Pitonyak
11-21-2013, 4:21 PM
I am a fan of their box clamps, I have many of them. I have dealt with their customer service rarely, but they have come through nicely when I have had to deal with them.

Stew Hagerty
11-21-2013, 5:54 PM
Oh, and I have some of the plastic box clamps and they work just fine. I imagine that the aluminum ones would work even better, but even I couldn't justify that price.

Alan Lightstone
11-21-2013, 8:59 PM
Ooh!!! Like the foam inserts.

Yup. I worried that SWMBO would walk into the workshop while I was taking the pictures.

Stew Hagerty
11-21-2013, 9:26 PM
Ooh!!! Like the foam inserts.

Yup. I worried that SWMBO would walk into the workshop while I was taking the pictures.

Yeah, I bought a sheet of Kaizen foam and used it for this drawer and in my router bit trays.