View Full Version : Creeker's Weekend Accomplishments

Dennis Peacock
11-18-2013, 8:42 AM
18 Nov 2013

Good Morning Everyone,
My hope and prayer is that none of you were effected by the severe weather yesterday. If you were I hope that you are ok and that all will work out for your good.

Been teaching a couple of people how to make cutting boards in my shop as well as starting work on the LOML Jr's blanket chest. My daughter is helping me with her hope chest so construction on it is moving rather slowly due to her not living here and her focus is primarily on her own marriage. Maybe I'll get some time to work through some of the finer points of the project this week.

We were in a minor accident last night while on our way to our church group meeting. A lady turned into the drivers side of our mini van and now we are about to start all the hulla-balloo with the insurance companies. She admitted fault and for us, this is not a good time for automotive accidents as holiday travel is upon us. Oh well, I'm hoping for the best.

I start oncall today...so this week is going to be "fun".

Well, that's it for me, so what did YOU do this past weekend?

Best of weeks to you all.

Doug Richardson
11-18-2013, 9:25 AM
For the most part, only have Sunday late afternoon and evening to get anything accomplished. Just as I got really involved in a project downstairs, the power went off, due to the storms. Just my luck, it stayed off until about 2 in the morning. A very unproductive weekend.....

Matt Meiser
11-18-2013, 9:45 AM
Early Friday night LOMLjr had basketball practice but later Friday night and Saturday got a lot of shop time moving my dad's metal lathe to my shop and working on a bunch of shop cabinetry. Sunday, got up and went grocery shopping, came home, went to church followed immediately by LOMLjr's basketball practice so LOML and I ran some other errands, then my parents for dinner, then back to school for an auction meeting. So between about 9AM and 9:30PM we were home about 20 minutes and this is probably the new norm for weekends for me for basketball season. I'm sure there will be plenty of Saturday games too.

Walked around the house and shop this morning and we escaped yesterday's weather uscathed. I don't even see any small branches from the cottonwoods out front despite some pretty strong winds. The power blinked for maybe a few cycles at my parents when the front went through but we don't even have a blinking clock at our house. Sounds like there is major damage about 30 minutes south so I am thankful.

Jamie Lynch
11-18-2013, 9:58 AM
Friday was a big day. After two and a half months off work my Dr released me to full duty. Now I have to wait on workers comp and HR to get things sorted. I hope to be back at work in a couple days.
Saturday I went to the local ww'ing store and picked up a couple DC fittings and a bottle of ca glue. The bag sat on the table for the rest of the day because we went out with the inlaws for SIL's b-day. It was a great dinner at Queen of Sheba Ethiopian restaurant in OKC.
Sunday we went to church and dinner with my family after. I got the afternoon in the shop reconfiguring some DC lines, helped my little brother to turn a pen, finished fitting the tenons for our new bed and I got started on a project that the Deacon at church requested.

Mike Cozad
11-18-2013, 3:58 PM
I finally made it back into the shop after a few years off due to an illness (been acquiring tools the whole time though :)). After spending my vacation day Friday cleaning my garage from my oldest boy's engine rebuilding adventures, I got started Saturday on a project. Boy how rusty can a guy get?? I picked a seemingly simple project to get going with. It's the timber framed mailbox post from the May 2013 Wood Magazine.
I was always pretty bad at underestimating how long something takes, but I am really bad now! I have a couple of days into this and still have some to go! I was able to use my new Narex chisels to chop the mortises, which these are my first quality type chisel. Amazed at how well they work compared to my old craftsman cheapos from 20 years ago... Well worth the time sharpening them when they arrived...

Well on my way now, will finish next weekend and hopefully get it in the ground before it is too cold and frozen to do so. If that doesn't work, it will become my first springtime yard project...

Shawn Pixley
11-18-2013, 5:53 PM
Friday at work we tested our business continuity and disaster recovery plans. We passed the audits but found a few areas where we could improve. LOML had her Gem, Mineral, and Jewelry Society's annual show over the weekend, so I was on my own. I wasn't satisfied with my lacquer job on a guitar I was finishing, so I shot more coats. Because the garage doubles as shop, soldering area, and finishing room, little else could proceed simultaneously. Sunday, after the teardown, LOML & I saw the film, "All Is Lost." Good film, I recommend it.