View Full Version : Finished Project.....Finally

Ken Fitzgerald
06-06-2005, 1:05 AM
Folks, I started this oak buffet for the LOML about 2 years ago. Unfortunately, while I got the construction done, it turned too cold to finish it on my carport. Well....my wife was so impressed (she's easily impressed...Look who she married 37 years ago) she bought me a new ts and then had my new shop built. Since then I've been slowly but surely working on finishing the new shop......

Well 2 weeks ago her patience ran out.....Tuesday family members from Illinois, Indiana, Texas and Kentucky descend upon our humble abode to attend and celebrate the HS graduation ceremonies of our 2 granddaughters. SWMBO demanded that the buffet be finished and useable by Tuesday. Needless to say not a single sheet rock screw or seam has been mudded since. Just sand.....varnish....sand .....varnish......

A lot of firsts in this for me.....first piece of furniture.....first dove tails......first raised panels.......largest piece I've ever finished........

Sides, top, face frame, doors and drawer fronts are red oak. Shelves and back are oak plywood. Stained using Minwax Golden Oak and used Minwax Fast Drying Poly. Drawers are dovetailed.

I know there are a lot of imperfections in this but it was a learning experience. SWMBO is tickled pink......does any thing else matter?

That's me sweating in the first photograph. I don't remember if the sweat was caused by the work ....I had just finished it and brought it into the house or if the sweat was caused by my worry of possible outcomes if I didn't get it finished in time.......

Now I need to work on the digital photography capabilities!

Your comments are welcomed!

Phil Winn
06-06-2005, 1:26 AM
Your wife picked a good one (you)...beautiful piece with a lovely finish.
Great job.....what's next?

Vaughn McMillan
06-06-2005, 3:46 AM
Nice job, Ken. The finish is great and any of your alleged imperfections are hidden well. With the new TS and new shop, I bet SWMBO is expecting the next project to take less than 2 years, though. ;)

- Vaughn

Norman Hitt
06-06-2005, 4:37 AM
Very Nice Ken, and a BIG Congratulations, on getting finished Just Under The Wire. :D With all those "Firsts" you had on this project, I think the LOML should maybe give you a Diploma Too. :D :D

Michael Stafford
06-06-2005, 6:13 AM
Nice job, Ken! That is a good looking piece and should become a heirloom. Congratulations!

Jerry Clark
06-06-2005, 6:47 AM
Great looking buffet-- nice color and style. Shows craftsman work!:)

John Hart
06-06-2005, 6:57 AM
I think it's wonderful that your first "big" project was worthy of a living space. Mine certainly wasn't! (It was worthy of a dark corner in the garage) Congratulations Ken....It turned out great!

Charlie Jones
06-06-2005, 7:49 AM
Nice, I like the design. All of us see imperfections in our work that non woodworkers don't. I am always surprised when people can't see a mistake in my work that screams at me.

John Miliunas
06-06-2005, 8:04 AM
Well sir, just as the other guys have said, I don't see the "imperfections" and I'll wager a fair amount of tool $$$, nobody else will either! :D I guess we really are most critical of our own work, which is a good thing, as we learn from it. I like the buffet; Clean lines, great attention to detail and, most importantly, it made the LOYL happy and THAT can go a long, long way! :) Very nicely done, Ken! :) :cool:

Corey Hallagan
06-06-2005, 8:39 AM
Great looking piece Ken. I love it!


Jim Becker
06-06-2005, 8:40 AM
That looks sharp, Ken!!! Beautiful piece.

Kelly C. Hanna
06-06-2005, 8:56 AM
Nice work Ken! Looks good to me. The sweat comes from both my friend (most of it is from the heat of the deadline :D). The finish looks great as well...fine job!

Bill Arnold
06-06-2005, 9:02 AM
Beautiful work, Ken! LOYL certainly has good taste!!


lou sansone
06-06-2005, 9:26 AM
I think you made the right choice to finish the piece. looks real good. Just consider it a stepping stone to bigger and better pieces, but I am sure you will need some additional tools for the new shop to make the process smoother ;)

just start dropping hints at the party

best wishes

Mark Singer
06-06-2005, 9:44 AM

Very excellent work!!!!

Maurice Ungaro
06-06-2005, 10:12 AM
Great job Ken! By the looks of your shirt, you really were sweating it out.

Ken Fitzgerald
06-06-2005, 10:15 AM
Thanks guys for the kind comments.

I actually have two projects planned but other things take priority.

I've got to get the interior of the shop finished first and get the gas furnace installed.

I need to remove and replace the roof on our patio....the ugly green fiberglass doesn't go well with the grey and brown on the house.

I've got to pour a slab at the front of the shop and get the gravel driveway down.

Then.....two display cases for my daughter who collects minature lighthouses.

An apothecary (sp?) cabinet for my DIL.

Ken Fitzgerald
06-06-2005, 10:22 AM
Maurice.....I really was sweating it.......the oval shaped "flaw" on the top of the buffet isn't a "flaw" but I'd dripped sweat on it and had just wiped it with my hand......

Alan Tolchinsky
06-06-2005, 10:34 AM
That looks like a great project and you'll be able to look at that for years to come with a smile in your mind.

Bob Noles
06-06-2005, 11:07 AM

Beautiful work. Oak is my favorite of all wood.

Mark Stutz
06-06-2005, 11:19 AM
Great job on the buffet. I'm glad I'm not the only one who sems to work better with a deadline! :D

larry merlau
06-06-2005, 11:28 AM
Maurice.....I really was sweating it.......the oval shaped "flaw" on the top of the buffet isn't a "flaw" but I'd dripped sweat on it and had just wiped it with my hand......
as fior the finished peice it looks great ken.. and for the deadline sweat, that i can understand completly only kind that is worse is when its your mom and she is already emptying the old ones ..now thats pressure :D no baked goods for me or dad when the cuboards are bare :D

Fred Ray
06-06-2005, 12:42 PM
Looks really good, Ken. Very nice work! I don't think anyone else will notice the flaws. We are usually our own worst critics. If they do mention anything, show them the "sweat" picture and invite them over to help next time. That trick works everytime for me.

Matt Meiser
06-06-2005, 12:57 PM
Very nice Ken! I agree with everyone else--only you will see the imperfections.

Steve Stube
06-06-2005, 2:14 PM
You got off easy, I thought for sure your new shop was going to be pressed into service as the gathering place for the GD's graduation party. Finished, clean and decorated by tomorrow. I have seen at least 3 new shops start life in that capacity. My own served as a skating rink for a time early on. Oh, and the wooden thing, I like it. Oak is my favorite wood even though it has a tendency to make me break out in hives/blotches. You are going to have fun in that new shop with ample space to build whatever your heart or LOYL desires.

Joe Mioux
06-06-2005, 3:10 PM
The buffet looks great! Sometimes the O in SWMBO really means just that!;)

Michael Ballent
06-06-2005, 4:03 PM
That looks great!!! So the next item will be done 1 1/2 years ;)

Jules Dominguez
06-06-2005, 10:42 PM
Really nice, Ken! Another inspiration project for me to put on my list. I like the whole thing, and I really like the color of the finish

Steve Ash
06-06-2005, 11:29 PM
I'd just like to echo what so many others have said, it looks fantastic. You did yourself proud!

Todd Burch
06-07-2005, 8:11 AM
Ken, great job!!! I love the satisfacation with completing a project - even when it's out of duress!!

Chris Padilla
06-07-2005, 12:02 PM
Good job, Ken! I bet it feels so good...wish I knew what it was like to finish a project! hahahahahah....

Tyler Howell
06-07-2005, 1:29 PM
Well Done Ken.


Von Bickley
06-07-2005, 1:36 PM
That's a great looking piece of furniture. You really did yourself PROUD... ;)

Jerry Olexa
06-07-2005, 5:51 PM
Terrific job, Ken!! You should be proud even w all that time pressure the LOYL put on you. I don't see any imperfections!! The fast dri poly is not a bad product. I used it on a project a few years ago. Well anyway, you're goo for another 1 1/2 years. Great work, Ken!!!