View Full Version : Porrtland W'dworking Show

Ray Newman
11-16-2013, 3:52 PM
Anyone attend the Portland woodworking show? Am thinking about driving down tomorrow.

Thomas Hotchkin
11-16-2013, 5:20 PM
I and two of my wooding friends went today, all of us were pleasantly surprised with the number of vender. Still not as good as before 2007. New this year was Hammer with there low noise jointer and planer. Lee Valley was front and center with there hand tools, and Powermatic was back with a small display prices still to high for me, I'll look used. Clear Vue was listed but did not see them. Tom

Charles Coolidge
11-16-2013, 7:01 PM
I was there, took less than an hour to make the rounds and leave. I saw the HUGE crowds and thought man this must be some kind of show...no there was a gun show and a snow boarding show going on at the same time. lol Honestly I would not spend $22 for the show again, I saw a couple three neat things but overall it was meh.

Myk Rian
11-16-2013, 7:47 PM
$22? No thanks.

Cary Falk
11-16-2013, 9:43 PM
I have gone twice in the last 13 years. I was disappointed each time. I think the last time I stayed a whole 1hr. Between the admission and parking cost, it just isn't worth it to me. I here the show isn't getting any better.

guy knight
11-17-2013, 1:19 AM
sucked was smaller then last year but i might be a bit biased after going to vegas this summer

Ray Newman
11-17-2013, 10:51 AM
Gents: thanks for the info. I will pass.

Thomas Hotchkin
11-17-2013, 11:31 AM
I was there, took less than an hour to make the rounds and leave. I saw the HUGE crowds and thought man this must be some kind of show...no there was a gun show and a snow boarding show going on at the same time. lol Honestly I would not spend $22 for the show again, I saw a couple three neat things but overall it was meh.
Sorry if you had to pay $22.00 to get in, we paid $10.00 each and $7.00 for parking for the pickup split three ways. Take some friend with you if you go again, helps with $$$$

Greg Peterson
11-17-2013, 11:33 AM
I watched the Carter bandsaw setup seminar. Took about twenty minutes. I found value in that. As for the rest of the show I was underwhelmed. Bosch had a pretty good display and very good show pricing on their tools.

I was able to put my hands on some Veritas planes. However, with no show pricing and no inventory, I was able to resist buying/ordering anything at their both. Strange that I would be disappointed that I didn't buy something.

The main reason I went to the show was to look at the Lie-Neilson tools. Had my heart set on getting a dovetail saw. I assumed they would have a booth. I assumed wrong.

I think I can wait another six years for my next show.

John Sanford
11-18-2013, 2:27 AM
sucked was smaller then last year but i might be a bit biased after going to vegas this summer
yeah, the AWFS will do that to ya. The only other shows that can compare are WIA and the Amana gathering, and that's because of their focus on hand tools. For sheer size, AWFS annihilates every other show in the Western hemisphere.

Erik Loza
11-18-2013, 8:46 AM
Just my 2-cents: Sure, if you have never been to a hobby ww'ing show, go to one just to see what it's all about but agreed: If I just wanted to go to one show during my lifetime, it would be IWF (Atlanta) and AWFS (Vegas). If you've seen one hobby show, you've seen them all.

Erik Loza
Minimax USA

Bruce Wrenn
11-18-2013, 9:09 PM
sucked was smaller then last year but i might be a bit biased after going to vegas this summerI don't think there were any shows on the left side last year.