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View Full Version : The Storage Building is DONE!!!!!....pics....

Terry Hatfield
06-05-2005, 9:37 PM
Howdy everyone,

For the last 2 weeks I've been working on and posting progess on my storage building project. I still have a couple of loose ends to tie up but I'm gonna say it's done anyhow.

We pretty much had the bulk of the building done last weekend. I finished the trim and built the doors over a couple evenings earlier this week. Yesterday I got the last of the paint on, built a ramp and built lots 'o shelves. One of the major storage issues I have is previous years files for our appraisal business. I built floor to roof shelves all along the South wall. By stacking all the way to the peak of the roof I managed to get 62 bankers boxes on this wall and quite a few of them are the big 'uns!!!

I also moved Cheryl's potting bench from outside the shop to under one of the windows. Now she's got a nice spot for messing with her plants where it won't rain on her of bake her in the sun. She's even got a place to sit and work.

<IMG SRC="http://www.terryhatfield.com/sb29.JPG">

I used the North wall for storing all my gardening tools, lawn chairs, ladders etc... I used some left over wafer board to cover this wall as well as the front wall so I could have more options for hanging things vs the bare studs.

<IMG SRC="http://www.terryhatfield.com/sb27.JPG">

The back or West wall is also floor to roof shelves but I left more sapce here for some of the rather large boxes that we have. AND...check it out...there is even some shelf space left over!!!! I have the rafters stuffed full as well with such things as left over carpet, card table and chairs etc...

<IMG SRC="http://www.terryhatfield.com/sb28.JPG">

And here is the final look at the finished exterior. I'm building window boxes for a little accent to the look but I didn't make it that far this weekend. It's been a fun project but I hope I don't have to build another one any time soon. I am whipped!!

<IMG SRC="http://www.terryhatfield.com/sb26.JPG">

Cheryl and I spent most of the evening last nite and the better part of the day today sorting and moving what we wanted to keep from the old building to the new one. I'll push the old one out back with the tractor and strike a match to it as soon as I possibly can.

Thanks for looking!!!


Ken Garlock
06-05-2005, 9:49 PM
Terry, it looks like a mighty fine shed you have there :cool:

Boy, oh boy, I wish I had to have room for 62 boxes of banking documents, it must be nice :) Be careful, these women have a way to taking over once you let their potting bench into a building, I know ;)

Terry Hatfield
06-05-2005, 9:58 PM
Thanks Ken!!!

I'll keep an eye out for any future female invasion. :D

I look at about 125 or so claims every month. I have to keep all the hard copies for 5 years. That equals a ton of boxes. They were just all piled on top of each other in the old building. It was a nightmare to get to anything. There is constantly some dang lawyer calling about some claim from 2001. :mad: This should make finding that stuff much easier. I'm still charging them the usual file retreival fee though. :D


Von Bickley
06-05-2005, 10:09 PM
The building looks great. I only see one thing wrong, looks like it needs to be BIGGER... ;)

Terry Hatfield
06-05-2005, 10:12 PM
The building looks great. I only see one thing wrong, looks like it needs to be BIGGER... ;)

Bigger??? I still got empty shelves!!!! I also moved some stuff from the compressor room on the shop so I have more junk...er...valuables storage in there now too. :D

One way or the other...it ain't getting any bigger.


John Miliunas
06-05-2005, 11:04 PM
Well, I see that you did make sure to have some room for over-runs of your hand planes! GOOD PLANNING!!!:D Very nicely done and once again, man, you're FAST!!! :) Looks like you've resolved a number of storage issues and made it very attractive, to boot. Nice job, Terry!:) :cool:

Vaughn McMillan
06-06-2005, 4:35 AM
Nice storage building, Terry. What are the dimensions? Did you build your own roof trusses, or were they pre-made? Did it end up costing less than having one built (like Tuff Shed)?

LOML and I merged two households into one last fall, and we're still dodging boxes in various places in the house and garage. We already have one 8' x 10' storage shed full, and we need at least that much more. She doesn't like the prospect of losing backyard space to some ugly ol' shed, but I'm thinking if I can make it look un-shedlike ("cute", in her words, "gingerbread", in mine) she might be more amenable to the idea. I have a bad back, so I'm not sure if I'm man enough to tackle building a shed by myself, but I'm inclined to think I could disguise a Tuff Shed or one of its brethren pretty easily.

Any other details about your building project would be appreciated. (If you've posted earlier threads about your project, I missed them.)

- Vaughn

Terry Hatfield
06-06-2005, 8:05 AM
Well, I see that you did make sure to have some room for over-runs of your hand planes! GOOD PLANNING!!!:D Very nicely done and once again, man, you're FAST!!! :) Looks like you've resolved a number of storage issues and made it very attractive, to boot. Nice job, Terry!:) :cool:

Thanks John!!!

Those were my main goals....better access to the stuff and a building that looked like it belonged. I'm very pleased with how it came out.

Planes have a nice home in the shop. :D


Terry Hatfield
06-06-2005, 8:14 AM

Look on the next page of posts. There are 4 or 5 posts total that should explain the entire process.

I'm not familiar with Tuff Shed so I really can't comment on that. I do know that mine cost a little more than buying a pre-built one here locally but there is no comparison between the one we built and the pre-made ones. Mine is considerably better engineered and constructed. I ended up with approx. $2500.00 in mine.

It's 10 X 16 with 8' walls. We did build our own trusses. We built the first truss and then screwed blocks to the floor of the shed before any walls were up to serve as a jig for the rest of the trusses. Worked great and went really fast.

Scroll down and check the other threads. Lots of pics and info.


Steve Clardy
06-06-2005, 11:05 AM
Wheew. Had me worried for a bit. Looks like it will be wrapped up by barbecue time!!! Lol
Looks great.

Vaughn McMillan
06-06-2005, 8:05 PM

Look on the next page of posts. There are 4 or 5 posts total that should explain the entire process.

I'm not familiar with Tuff Shed so I really can't comment on that. I do know that mine cost a little more than buying a pre-built one here locally but there is no comparison between the one we built and the pre-made ones. Mine is considerably better engineered and constructed. I ended up with approx. $2500.00 in mine.

It's 10 X 16 with 8' walls. We did build our own trusses. We built the first truss and then screwed blocks to the floor of the shed before any walls were up to serve as a jig for the rest of the trusses. Worked great and went really fast.

Scroll down and check the other threads. Lots of pics and info.

Thanks for the additional info Terry. I'll read through the entire process as soon as I can. (Man, SMC sure can be a time-sink, huh?)

Your costs came in somewhere around half the cost of having a 10' x 16' Tuff Shed built on-site. I agree that the prefab jobs sold at home improvement places don't hold a candle to a truly framed building built out of real lumber. Tuff Shed uses framing and materials comparable to yours, but they put the whole thing up on-site in about a day. Certain things like roof trusses and some wall panels are fabbed in their shop but the whole shebang is assembeld on-site.

Thanks again -

- Vaughn

Terry Hatfield
06-07-2005, 7:46 AM
Wheew. Had me worried for a bit. Looks like it will be wrapped up by barbecue time!!! Lol
Looks great.

LOL...I was thinking about having everyone bring a hammer and build it at the Bbq. :D Now that it's done we can concentrate on havin' a good time instead of building the host a storage building.


Terry Hatfield
06-07-2005, 7:47 AM

Sounds like a good amount of savings to build your own. Lots of satisfaction in being able to say I built it myself too.


Steve Jenkins
06-07-2005, 8:28 AM
Looks good Terry. by the way when are you planning your BBQ? I'm figuring on the weekend before Halloween (Oct. 22) for Dallas.

Steve Clardy
06-07-2005, 11:32 AM
LOL...I was thinking about having everyone bring a hammer and build it at the Bbq. :D Now that it's done we can concentrate on havin' a good time instead of building the host a storage building.


Lol. Maybe we had better be prepared to come down and built a landing strip and hangar for those bedrocks.
Steve :)

Chris Padilla
06-09-2005, 7:39 PM

I can't picture or recall where that shed is located on your property...can ya shed some light, Big Buddy? :)

Frank Pellow
06-09-2005, 10:32 PM
Terry, the shed looks very good outside and very useful inside. Congratulations on a job well done!

I am probably going to be building a shed of about this size for my duaghter next year and I will keep your building in mind when I get around to the planning stage.

Terry Hatfield
06-09-2005, 11:33 PM
Looks good Terry. by the way when are you planning your BBQ? I'm figuring on the weekend before Halloween (Oct. 22) for Dallas.


Looks like the weekend of Sept. 17th for ours. Hogs are away that weekend so it'll be much easier to get a room.

You gonna come up and see us??


Terry Hatfield
06-09-2005, 11:36 PM

I can't picture or recall where that shed is located on your property...can ya shed some light, Big Buddy? :)

Hey Chris!!! How ya doin??

The shed is on the West side of the property just behind the veggie garden. Here's a shot of the view from the back door of my office. Obviously the building was still in progess when I took this shot.

<IMG SRC="http://www.terryhatfield.com/sb23.JPG">

Terry Hatfield
06-09-2005, 11:37 PM
Teery, the shed looks very good outside and very useful inside. Congratulations on a job well done!

I am probably going to be building a shed of about this size for my duaghter next year and I will keep your building in mind when I get around to the planning stage.

Thanks Frank!!! It was a fun project and I'm really proud of how it turned out. Sure is nice to finally have a spot for all our stuff that is actually accessible.


Dennis Peacock
06-10-2005, 12:53 AM

Looks like the weekend of Sept. 17th for ours. Hogs are away that weekend so it'll be much easier to get a room.

You gonna come up and see us??


Sooooooooo, the weekend of the 17th aye? As soon as your firm it up, I need to know so I can start working on getting "you know who" to come and demo at the BBQ as well as give me time to save some money for doorprizes.

HEY!!!! Love that new storage building!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :cool:

Chris Padilla
06-10-2005, 1:06 PM
I need to know so I can start working on getting "you know who" to come and demo at the BBQ...
:D :D :cool:

So, who arEZ ya talking about, Dennis? ;) Hey, am I getting my glue back before I die??? :eek: :D :p hahahahaha

Darn, September LOML and I will be cruising in the new BMW in Canada for 3 weeks.... :(

john roy
06-10-2005, 1:16 PM
did you use concrete blocks to put your floor joists on??

Terry Hatfield
06-10-2005, 9:34 PM
did you use concrete blocks to put your floor joists on??


Not on this one. The floor structure is attached to 3 - 4X4 skids that are sitting on a bed of compacted gravel.

Here's a pic. We actually half lapped the mud sills into the ends of the 4X4's and screwed/nailed the heck out of them. All this was in an effort to keep the finished floor height as low as we could. A steep ramp would have not worked with my lawn mower.

<IMG SRC="http://www.terryhatfield.com/sb16.JPG">


David Klug
06-11-2005, 1:00 AM
Nice looking building Terry. I'm surprised about all the storage space you have.


Terry Hatfield
06-11-2005, 7:29 AM
Sooooooooo, the weekend of the 17th aye? As soon as your firm it up, I need to know so I can start working on getting "you know who" to come and demo at the BBQ as well as give me time to save some money for doorprizes.


It's as firm as it's gonna get. That weekend is just about the only one that will work.


Dennis Peacock
06-11-2005, 12:00 PM
So, who arEZ ya talking about, Dennis? ;) Hey, am I getting my glue back before I die??? :eek: :D :p hahahahaha

Darn, September LOML and I will be cruising in the new BMW in Canada for 3 weeks.... :(

Hey Chris......Yes....I still have your glue :o :o ...unopened. I'll get it shipped to ya. I just need to find your addy one more time. Sorry man, but life has been "tough" this first 6 months and doesn't look like it going to let up until September or October.

Christopher Pine
06-14-2005, 11:46 PM
Hi Terry I must say your building came out terrific... I have been meaning to build a shed for us for some time and am ready to tackle it here in next month or so. One question I have is in just doing some rough sketches I see your shed and most others I have looked at have at least a 2 feet rise from top of walls to peak.. I was wondering would a 1 foot rise from top of walls to peak be sufficient?
My local code says I can only go to 8 feet high without a permit and I was wanting the walls to go to 7 feet if possible... What do you architect types say?


Terry Hatfield
06-15-2005, 7:14 PM

You will have to maintain a 3/12 pitch if you use regular shingles. Any flatter and your asking for a leak. Mine is 5/12 to match the house and shop.
