View Full Version : Ambrosia Maple

joe marra
11-11-2013, 8:29 PM
Got a truckload of Ambrosia Maple today. Any suggestions on how to break it down to get the best figure out of the wood. Thanks.

Eric Gourieux
11-11-2013, 11:57 PM
You've got some nice ambrosia staining there!. I've turned a lot of ambrosia and have come to the conclusion that you don't know what is in there until you get it on the lathe. I'd prepare this log just like you'd prepare any log. If you want bowls, cut the pith out, band saw a circle and see what you get as you turn. If you want a vase, center it between centers and have at it. I don't think you can miss with this one.

Mike Cruz
11-12-2013, 6:51 AM
+1 on what Eric just said.

I wonder what kind of maple that is... There is quite a dark spot in the middle of each log. Could be pretty! I mean, of course the ambrosia will, but that dark spot might be, too.

Dan Hintz
11-12-2013, 7:29 AM
I'm surprised that the heartwood has such a well-defined and strong color change... that should make for some interesting patterns.

David C. Roseman
11-12-2013, 3:50 PM
Joe, this looks spectacular, though I agree that you won't know for sure what you've got until you get into it.

Given the contrasting darkness of the heart wood, I think I'd try to preserve as much of that as possible if you turn some bowl. I'd cut into half-rounds (at the same time cutting out the pith). Then for at least one half-round, mount and turn as if you were doing natural edge (i.e., so that the heart wood ends up on the bottom of the bowl). For another half-round, I try mounting it the opposite way, to produce dark "wings" toward the rim of the bowl. If you get around to this, be sure to post pics for us so we can share in the reveal!
