View Full Version : Finally found a use for my Ring Master

Perry Holbrook
06-04-2005, 10:33 PM
About a year ago, I picked up a barely used Ring Master at a really good price in an on line auction. Didn't really know what I would do with it but it had been on my toy list for some time.

I just finished a new little product that would have been much more difficult to make with that toy. With the Ring Master I can make the bases for these little boxes in about 2 minutes. It cuts the shape and a groove for the metal ring to fit into.

I know it's just a little wood, but thought some of you may like to see these.


Jim Becker
06-04-2005, 10:35 PM
Those look great, Perry! Fused glass tops??

Michael Stafford
06-05-2005, 6:41 AM
Are the sides of the boxes made from copper? Pretty cool looking, Perry! ;)

Perry Holbrook
06-05-2005, 7:18 AM
Jim and Mike, the tops are fused glass, the knob is a flame worked glass bead with a copper pop rivet in the hole. The box body is 2" copper pipe, one is brushed bright the other two are patined with liver of sulphur. The bases are bloodwood, dyed hickory and canarywood. The inside is flocked with black.

This the the companion box. Made of copper pipe and glass, no wood.


Michael Stafford
06-05-2005, 11:43 AM
I like boxes on legs. Very decorative! ;) Now we need to get Oriental and pagoda shaped..... :)

Ron Jones near Indy
06-05-2005, 9:28 PM
Those look very nice! I like the combinations with different materials. :cool: I've often thought I would like a Ringmaster to "play" with. Have you done other projects with it? Were you pleased? Does it seem to be all it is advertised to be?

Perry Holbrook
06-05-2005, 9:45 PM
Ron, thanks for liking my stuff. I plan to start showing them to my existing galleries in the next few weeks.

As far as the Ring Master goes, I have not done any other completed pieces yet. I set it up when I got it in the shop and played a few hours just to see what it could do. I would say that it is as advertised. I'm not sure I would have bought one new at the current pricing without a specific need. I picked this one up for $110, it should pay for itself in a few hours if sells are what I am expecting.


Wes Newman
06-06-2005, 8:12 AM
Perry, Those are very interesting looking pieces. I like the use of different materials.:)