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joe marra
11-03-2013, 6:15 PM
Hit the Cherry mother load today. Lady in town had the tree cut up and I just happened to pass by and she said I could have it all. Have to go back tomorrow to pick up the rest, the first four feet about 30" wide. Her Great Grandfather planted the tree 60 years ago. Sandy damaged it and it had to go, lucky me.

charlie knighton
11-03-2013, 6:26 PM
enjoy, nice haul Joe

Col Smith
11-03-2013, 7:15 PM
Lucky you. Due to the sentimental value of the tree to the Lady, it would be a nice gesture to turn her something from the timber.


Steve Schlumpf
11-03-2013, 7:18 PM
Congrats on all that wonderful wood! I agree with Col Smith... I am sure the lady would treasure something turned from the tree! Great way to add to their family history!!

joe marra
11-03-2013, 7:26 PM
Not to worry, she gets the pick of the turnings.

Thomas Canfield
11-03-2013, 9:57 PM
Looks like a lot of prep work ahead for you, but a lot of good blanks for the winter. Sap should be down some and bark more likely to hold for some NE pieces. Congratulations.

Bob Bergstrom
11-03-2013, 10:16 PM
I have found that putting rounds in 4 mil thick plastic contractor bags the best way to store rounds or cut blanks. Rounds won't crack. They may mold over time or start spalting, but that is a lot better than dealing with cracks. Really nice haul. Enjoy one of the nicest turning woods we have.

joe marra
11-03-2013, 10:30 PM
I have Anchor sealed all of the rounds, is that OK?

Bob Bergstrom
11-04-2013, 8:50 AM
Bagging them in plastic is best, especially in leaving them in the round. Anchor Seal will slow the cracking, but if left in the round they will suffer cracks. Radial cracking is not a good thing.

joe marra
11-04-2013, 8:57 AM
If I cut them, will it be OK.

Mike Cruz
11-04-2013, 11:12 AM
Sweet! I think I heard that tree fall from my house. ;) Hope you make her a little something for her kindness...

Bob Bergstrom
11-04-2013, 6:20 PM
Far less chance of cracking if sawn through the pith. There are other factors. Is the pith in the center of the log. Are the rounds from the trunk or the limbs of the tree. Are they being stored out of the sun and wind. The rate of drying has a great effect on cracking. Our Club just harvested 30 large blanks of ash today. All went into large contractor plastic bags. No sealer required. We will rough it out over the next few weeks.