View Full Version : Who's your favorite "character" on Youtube?

Rich Engelhardt
11-01-2013, 12:27 PM
I followed the link in the pallet thread and was treated to a couple hours of real entertaining viewing of some of Izzy's Youtube presentations.

He's got a ton of good ideas.


Mike Olson
11-01-2013, 1:58 PM
My favorite is Steve Ramsey: Woodworking for Mere Mortals. No project that anyone here couldn't tackle easily but I just really enjoy watching his videos.

I also get a kick out of Matthias Wandel.

Jim Rimmer
11-01-2013, 2:10 PM
I guess that would be me, RimmerJim channel. I did those videos for my kids and the only way they could see them is on youtube. Some day I will make some more.

Seriously, though, I like Steve Ramsey, too. There's lots of good stuff on youtube (and some bad info, as well) so it's hard to pick a favorite.

Art Mann
11-01-2013, 2:20 PM
I hate to admit it but I like to watch Stumpy Nubbs.

Art Mulder
11-01-2013, 5:14 PM
My favorite is Steve Ramsey: Woodworking for Mere Mortals.

Steve makes me laugh, that's all there is to it. :p I also would not make a lot of what he does. Who cares.
Matthias Wandel (woodgears.ca guy) amazes me with his well designed stuff. And Frank Howarth's videos are just gorgeous.
Oh yeah, and I just got into DiResta. He's a mix of woodworker and metalworker and artsy-fartsy all rolled into one.

I've come to realize that I *like* seeing people who do things that I would NOT do. For one thing, I can learn new ideas that way. For another, it's just plain refreshing.

Rich Harkrader
11-01-2013, 6:48 PM
Toss up between Steve Ramsay and Stumpy Nubs, largely because neither of them takes themselves too seriously and because they make things I like.


Lornie McCullough
11-01-2013, 9:25 PM
Matthias Wandel makes perfect youtube videos. The information/pacing/production values seem near perfect to me. I'll watch every Sunday, even if I have no interest in building what he is making. Izzy Swan features good stuff without the need for expensive commercial tools. I have learned a few things from Izzy. I keep waiting to learn something from Steve Ramsey.... but I find it hard to watch.

Askwoodman speaks slowly, and is very thorough; kinda like a trade-school professor. I want to skip ahead while watching, but would probably miss something useful. I watched all 40 of his 'Welding for Woodworkers' youtube videos, and really improved my welding.

'The Wooden Tool Man' is my favorite right now. He has the normal shop with the normal tools, and builds the normal kitchens as his day job, but he is very creative/imaginative/energetic when it comes to making a tool more useful, or building accessories. He has very nearly designed a super-cheap power feeder that can be used on the router or tablesaw. It is not complete yet, but I enjoy following as his mind races along.

I am looking forward to checking out everyone else' recommendations.


Charles Wiggins
11-01-2013, 10:11 PM
I have several.

Like a lot of you I recently discovered Paul Sellers (http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCc3EpWncNq5QL0QhwUNQb7w). He's rekindled my interest in the Neander approach to woodworking.

Matthias Wandel (http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCckETVOT59aYw80B36aP9vw) is an interesting cross-section of creativity, engineering, and woodworking.

In music, it's a tie between Pentatonix (http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmv1CLT6ZcFdTJMHxaR9XeA) and Lindsey Stirling (http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyC_4jvPzLiSkJkLIkA7B8g).

For urban homesteading and disaster preparedness I really like LDSPrepper (http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaPIUqAGuYXXMvI4iYxCT1g).

Most of the rest of mine are too political or faith oriented to mention here.

But, my absolute favorite "character" is Baba, the Cosmic Barber (http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCc3EpWncNq5QL0QhwUNQb7w). I've probably watched this video 50 times. It's just so relaxing. Great to chill to just before bed. There are several others of him available, but this is the one that started it all.

Justin Ludwig
11-04-2013, 7:19 AM
I wouldn't classify this as favorite "character", but as favorite editing of videos pertaining to wood/shop/tools. Frank Makes by Frank Howarth. Stop motion vids are pretty cool in my book.