View Full Version : Should I recut, or will this work?

Troy Turner
10-27-2013, 8:35 PM
So I’m in the process of building a bed for my son. He wanted a raised panel bed. Gave me a pic and so I’m off to the races…

My problem is, I put the cart before the horse. I cut the tenons on the stiles then didn’t pay attention when I cut the grooves on the rails. Now the stiles are kind of loose. Meaning it’s not a snug fit.

I realized my error before I gut the groove in the legs, so I’m good there. Question is, I’m going to glue the stiles to the rails and the panels will float. Do you think it will be ok, or should I cut more stiles and make them fit snug? I work with rough lumber, so if I need to make more, I’m going to have to work the roughness out :)

As always, the advice is much appreciated.


Pat Barry
10-27-2013, 8:55 PM
Can you just glue on some thin strips onto the tenons to improve the fit?

Troy Turner
10-27-2013, 9:21 PM
Pat - I'd thought about that, but that's 16 tenons I'd have to do that too. And we're talking less than an 1/8".

Jamie Buxton
10-27-2013, 9:36 PM
Are saying that the stiles' tenons are sloppy by an eighth? If so, you should fix them. You were talking about cutting new stiles. It will be easier and faster just to do what Pat suggests: adding a bit of wood to the tenons to make them correct. I find it easier to glue on a bit which is thicker than I need, because it is easier to put a clamp on than real thin stuff. After I glue the thick addition on, I recut the tenon to the correct thickness.

John Sanford
10-27-2013, 9:41 PM
Pat - I'd thought about that, but that's 16 tenons I'd have to do that too. And we're talking less than an 1/8".
Still a lot less work that recutting them all. However, if you haven't cut the grooves yet, you could simply cut them a little wider and make the panel edges a little thicker. Personally, I'd go the shim the tenon route myself.

Rod Sheridan
10-28-2013, 9:40 AM
Troy, glue a shim on the tenon, and machine it to fit.

Far less waste than remaking all those pieces..............Rod.

Harold Burrell
10-28-2013, 10:39 AM
Troy, glue a shim on the tenon, and machine it to fit.

Far less waste than remaking all those pieces..............Rod.


Troy Turner
10-28-2013, 7:28 PM
Thanks for the info ya'll. I cut some slivers on the miter saw...carefully...and glued them in place. A light sanding the pieces now have a snug fit. Far better than recutting new pieces. Guess I just over analyze things too much :D

Matt Day
10-28-2013, 9:49 PM
Scrap veneer works great for something like this.

Alan Lightstone
10-28-2013, 11:10 PM
Scrap veneer works great for something like this.

That's what I do.