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View Full Version : Plans For The Weekend

Dale Osowski
10-25-2013, 9:26 AM
What are your weekend plans? Mine is to get back to some milling, just brought the saw inside for sharpening. I'll post photos Monday in the Weekend Accomplishments post.


Von Bickley
10-25-2013, 9:50 AM
My back hurts just looking at that saw......

Keith Hankins
10-25-2013, 9:58 AM
Working my tail off to get this project done! I was supposed to have the wine cabinet & modified piesafe complete 4 weeks ago!


Peter Quinn
10-25-2013, 10:15 AM
Weather permitting I'm planning to run up the last 30 courses of siding on the garage I started building about one year ago. What a relief it will be to have it dried in finally for the winter. Then I just have fascia, soffits, eaves brackets, gable brackets, lighting, staircase, loft floor.......oh, when I start making the list it makes me wince. Well, finishing the siding will be a victory, I'll be able to park the van in the garage once the siding is up and out.

John Schweikert
10-25-2013, 10:18 AM
Continue building a Candlefish 16.


Mike Wilkins
10-25-2013, 10:36 AM
Put the last 2 coats of finish on a sofa table and attach the top.
Pray the weather is not too cold to take my Ducati for a spin. Should be in the mid-50's.

Aleks Hunter
10-25-2013, 10:45 AM
Continue working on the Timber farming for the kiln, edging slabs I piled up to the point that I give the pile a wide berth when walking around.
Laying up firewood in the barn for when it gets cold. putting in more insulation in the barn, AKA the gift that keeps on giving!

Matt Meiser
10-25-2013, 11:13 AM
Installing cabinets and invisible fence over at my parents. I'd also like to look at doing something about small sheet goods cutoff storage--want to get rid of the big rolling bin I currently have.

Michael Weber
10-25-2013, 11:52 AM
Going to wrestle with my blankety blank jointer. Determined to get that thing cutting correctly.

John Sanford
10-25-2013, 1:27 PM
Re-arrange the shop in order to make room for new gloats.

Ben Martin
10-25-2013, 3:56 PM
Finishing the Laundry Room cabinet doors, 3 coats of lacquer.

And than starting on the crib for our bundle of job to arrive next year!


Rod Sheridan
10-25-2013, 4:14 PM
I'm going to the Woodworking and Machinery Show in Toronto this weekend..........Rod.

Mac McQuinn
10-25-2013, 4:15 PM
You're doing a great job! looks like you're ready to lay some glass & epoxy, enjoy.
Me, I've (23) 35'+ tall black maples giving up their best, raking will be my w/e's work, in fact has been my last (2) week's work.

Continue building a Candlefish 16.


John Schweikert
10-25-2013, 4:51 PM

You are certainly raking up a forest. Our leaves haven't fallen enough yet to collect, but 31 degrees last night will get us there soon.

I have the sheer panels still to stitch in and then I can tab the interior seams and begin glassing the outside. Family, wife, daughter, work, friends, life all get in my way of the important things like building a boat ;).

The goal is have it in the water by next June for our annual daddy/daughter lakeside camping trip with fellow friends. I think I can have it finished by then no problem. Found a hardwood guy close-by and picked up some rough cut white oak, mahogany and purpleheart this week for seats, gunwales, bow and keel. That will motivate me to get the glassing started so I can work with real wood again. The marine ply gets to be ho-hum after a while. I've already decided to do a strip-plank Jericho Bay skiff next time to get away from ply and stitch-n-glue.

I think I may start a build thread in the subsection here at SMC. I built a 12x24 bow roof shed just to build the boat. Filled it with tools and couldn't fit the build so I took scraps from other projects and put the strongback frame on casters and 2x2 aluminum box tubing. I can slide the boat side to side with just one foot to give me about 3 feet of workspace either side at a time.

You're doing a great job! looks like you're ready to lay some glass & epoxy, enjoy.
Me, I've (23) 35'+ tall black maples giving up their best, raking will be my w/e's work, in fact has been my last (2) week's work.

Mac McQuinn
10-25-2013, 5:13 PM
I did notice your unique building and trolley system in the picture and yes, please do a subsection on the building. I'm sure there are more of us space challenged and could use some new ideas. I'm looking at property currently that includes an extra parcel that would be perfect for a boat building shed like yours.


You are certainly raking up a forrest. Our leaves haven't fallen enough yet to collect, but 31 degrees last night will get us there soon.

I have the sheer panels still to stitch in and then I can tab the interior seams and begin glassing the outside. Family, wife, daughter, work, friends, life all get in my way of the important things like building a boat ;).

The goal is have it in the water by next June for our annual daddy/daughter lakeside camping trip with fellow friends. I think I can have it finished by then no problem. Found a hardwood guy close-by and picked up some rough cut white oak, mahogany and purpleheart this week for seats, gunwales, bow and keel. That will motivate me to get the glassing started so I can work with real wood again. The marine ply gets to be ho-hum after a while. I've already decided to do a strip-plank Jericho Bay skiff next time to get away from ply and stitch-n-glue.

I think I may start a build thread in the subsection here at SMC. I built a 12x24 bow roof shed just to build the boat. Filled it with tools and couldn't fit the build so I took scraps from other projects and put the strongback frame on casters and 2x2 aluminum box tubing. I can slide the boat side to side with just one foot to give me about 3 feet of workspace either side at a time.

Andrew Pitonyak
10-25-2013, 9:43 PM
What are your weekend plans? Mine is to get back to some milling, just brought the saw inside for sharpening. I'll post photos Monday in the Weekend Accomplishments post.

The first thing that popped into my head when I saw that saw was "most pole saws place the blade on the end of the saw" :-)