View Full Version : Creeker's Weekend Accomplishments

Dennis Peacock
10-21-2013, 8:50 AM
21 Oct 2013

Good Morning Everyone,
This past weekend was a nice long weekend as I took some time off work and the LOML and I went to a cabin in the Ozarks on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. This was a slightly early celebration of our 30th wedding anniversary. Our real anniversary date is Dec 3, but the LOML will be staying with her mother while recovering from back surgery. This will be the longest time that we have been apart since we married. Tending to the needs to 2 widows does take a toll on a person and family, but it's the least we can do for our surviving mothers.....tend to them and help them as much as we can/when we can. Anyway, the LOML and I had a really nice time as we just goofed off a bit, rested a LOT, and slept a good bit as we were both exhausted from all the other things weighing us down. It was truly nice to go to bed early and sleep late all in the same 24 hour period. :)

I go back to being oncall as of this morning, so we all know what that mean for me this week.
So, what did you do this past weekend.???

Best of weeks to you all.

Shawn Pixley
10-21-2013, 10:38 AM
Congratulation on the 30th Dennis.

Low key weekend here. Applied finsh to the bench and completed and oiled the entry mat. We are preparing for winter so there a few small thing s the need to get done.

Rod Sheridan
10-21-2013, 11:16 AM
Congratulations Dennis, best wishes on the upcoming surgery as well.

This weekend my daughter came over and stained the red oak table she made black to match her Ikea furniture.............I was good and made no disparaging remarks.

I drilled the shaper fences to take a finger kit I bought from Hammer, it includes the mounting plates and 2 thick, and 2 thin fingers.

The fingers can be positioned anywhere in the fence gap to support work as it goes past the cutters, I'm looking forward to using them........Rod.

Matt Meiser
10-21-2013, 12:00 PM
Family in town Friday and Saturday staying over at my parents. I delivered all of the cabinets in 2 loads Friday afternoon and Saturday morning. Saturday afternoon and into evening I spent some time in the shop cleaning up and turning a pile of scraps into a couple cutting board blanks. Sunday morning I cut and planed those to size, rounded over the edges and sanded. Then I started in on demo on the playground which my daughter hasn't used all summer and informed us late summer that it was time for it to go. Neighbors were going to take everything for their grandkids but when I went to remove some appendages from the play structure I found it wasn't in very good shape so I got out the tractor and knocked it down. Bad enough shape I didn't have to make more than 5-10 cuts to get pieces down to less than 5' long. Glad no one has been using it for the last year! Took a 1/2 day this morning to haul the debris over to the neighbors burn pile, haul the swing set over to their yard, and the mulch out to a low spot in the back 7. Even seeded and put down straw. Probably late in the year for that but if I can at least reduce the amount of mud for the dogs to run through that's a good thing.

The most exciting news though is that there's a directional drilling crew working a couple miles away this morning and a tree crew clearing some right-of-way down the street. It appears that cable construction has begun!