View Full Version : Where can I buy thick leather to put on my vise?

Bill Bukovec
10-12-2013, 6:31 PM
Where can I buy thick leather to put on my vise? I stopped at a shoe repair place (those places are hard to find) and all he had were precut soles. I'd like pieces about 5 inches wide, 3/16 " thick. Thanks, Bill

Roy Harding
10-12-2013, 7:09 PM
Try these guys (http://www.tandyleatherfactory.ca/en-cad/home/home.aspx). I've purchased various pieces of leather from them - deerskin for a headboard, leather for chair cushions, etcetera. I think I linked the Canadian site, they have a USA one as well.

johnny means
10-12-2013, 7:14 PM
Search your local thrift stores for old boots, bags, chaps, etc. The sides of some old engineer boots would do the trick. Old saddle bags, that fellow at the farmers market selling real leather belts, anything that might yield a large enough piece. If all this fails, craft stores often sell beginner leather working kits that will include a big enough piece to make a little purse or something.

Jeff Erbele
10-12-2013, 7:31 PM
The challenge is two, inexpensive, rather thick, small pieces. Scrap pieces would be ideal. Consider the equestrian market, harness and saddle makers in your quest.

Adam Diethrich
10-12-2013, 8:24 PM
Where can I buy thick leather to put on my vise? I stopped at a shoe repair place (those places are hard to find) and all he had were precut soles. I'd like pieces about 5 inches wide, 3/16 " thick. Thanks, Bill

That may be tough, but possibly better (easier) yet would be cork.
A good cork/neoprene blend: http://www.mcmaster.com/#cork-gasket-sheets/=owrwum


Keith Pitman
10-12-2013, 8:39 PM
If you can find a Tandy Leather store, they will probably have a wide selection. Last time there, I only needed a small piece and the guy gave it to me.

Dave Cav
10-12-2013, 11:17 PM
If you can find a Tandy Leather store, they will probably have a wide selection. Last time there, I only needed a small piece and the guy gave it to me.

That's where I got mine, but sadly, not free. However, I did need a relatively large piece and I think for $20 or so I got enough for at least two vises.

John Lifer
10-13-2013, 6:57 AM
A cheap alternative is to search eBay. A bunch of cutoffs from many vendors out there.
And pretty cheap too.

Steve Rozmiarek
10-13-2013, 8:51 AM
Auto upholstery shops are another potential source.

John Coloccia
10-13-2013, 8:52 AM
Tandy leather, definitely. They usually have a scrap bin that is dirt cheap.

BTW, 3/16" thick is pretty thick and not necessary, IMHO.

glenn bradley
10-13-2013, 9:08 AM
If you can find a Tandy Leather store, they will probably have a wide selection. Last time there, I only needed a small piece and the guy gave it to me.

I also use Tandy: http://www.tandyleatherfactory.com/en-usd/home/locations/storesearch.aspx

Frank Drew
10-13-2013, 1:21 PM
BTW, 3/16" thick is pretty thick and not necessary, IMHO. I agree with John that thinner than that would work perfectly well for vise facing. I think I got my leather scraps from a local tack shop; FWIW, I found that having the rough face of the leather on the outside helps grip the work better than smooth side out. I used spray-on glue, 3M 77, I think.

Todd Burch
10-13-2013, 2:50 PM
Cork will work too, some of the time.

If you go leather, you probably want tooling leather. This is the thick, heavy stuff.

ray hampton
10-13-2013, 3:24 PM
why not glue thin pieces together to make one heavy piece

Brian Ross
10-13-2013, 8:05 PM
I second the harness shops it you have any in your area. Stopped at a harness shop in Ohio where a lot of the Amish live. 2 pieces 1/4 inch thick 8 x 16 for $10.

Mike Wilkins
10-14-2013, 9:34 AM
I have an old leather briefcase that is ideal for a project like this. Search the local Goodwill, Salvation Army, Habitat Resale stores, or other thrift stores for leather goods, boots, etc.

Malcolm Schweizer
10-14-2013, 10:00 AM
+1 for eBay. Search for veg tan leather. That's what you want. I bought a bulk flat-rate box of it a while back and use it for all sorts of projects.

Peter Froh
10-14-2013, 4:12 PM
LV sells them.


Michael Menz
10-22-2013, 10:13 AM
Try American Science & Surplus
They have leather leftovers from $8.50 to $10.75 depending on your needs.

Loren Woirhaye
10-23-2013, 12:57 AM

Vegetable tanned is best. Belly is a cheap cut because it's not useful
for a lot of applications due to stretch marks and being thinner than
the back and shoulders, which are used for saddles and stuff like that.

Leather is sold by weight per sq. foot. You want 4-6 oz which indicates
the thickness range.

Kenneth Moar
10-23-2013, 1:51 PM
Try Brettuns Village Leather Craft Supplies , Lewiston Maine or online