View Full Version : Monster Lathe / VFD Update... Joy at Last!

David DeCristoforo
10-12-2013, 5:27 PM
So… here we are. The "final" (for now) setup. The best thing about it? It works!

Roger's comment about flying chucks brought a very sheepish smile to my face. When I first set this up with the Dynamotor, I had just received a brand new Nova Titan chuck which I had loosely threaded onto the spindle. The dynamotor had a built in brake and it stopped pretty quickly. The chuck had other ideas however and it kept merrily spinning until it launched itself into the air. I reacted impulsively and, with visions of my shiny new chuck bouncing across the patio, I foolishly tried to catch it. Bad move! But with that event in mind, I abandoned the three position switch in favor of a push button on/off switch and a separate forward/reverse switch.


Also with Roger's warnings in mind about what might happen should this be switched during operation, I put a safety cover over it. I also added, for no particular reason, a power indicator lamp. The numerous diagrams and photos sent to me by Josh Bowman, Dave Muller, Richard Bell and others were all helpful in getting this working although they were not specific to the exact devices I had. Ken Fitzgerald was kind enough to spend some time on the phone with me and even though it was very difficult for him to hear me, I could hear him just fine and we mapped out the exact wiring configuration. Dave's programming codes worked like a charm and everything functions as it should.

Now… for some turning!

Ken Fitzgerald
10-12-2013, 6:09 PM
Go Dog!!!!!!!!

Josh Bowman
10-12-2013, 6:28 PM
David, Now for that giant skinny spindle cup thing you do. Really glad it's going now. I hope you enjoy it.

Eric Gourieux
10-12-2013, 6:42 PM
Congratulations. It's been a long road for you.

Roger Chandler
10-12-2013, 7:36 PM
okay.........now you are cooking with gas! I like Josh's idea for your first project.......a grand amphora form with a huge but ornate stem! ;):D

James Combs
10-12-2013, 7:40 PM
Saw in an earlier post that making pens might be a problem but you should be able to really pump out bottle stoppers.:D

Edit: Actually you could make pens on it, just chuck up closed end pen mandrels and you could pump out some nice closed end pens.:rolleyes:

charlie knighton
10-12-2013, 8:27 PM
good for you DD

Dennis Nagle
10-13-2013, 3:20 PM
Need more pix.

Harry Robinette
10-14-2013, 9:54 PM
Your on your way DD, just think positive and get some wood moving in circles.

Dave Mueller
10-15-2013, 12:37 AM
Glad to hear that you changed to a separate on/off switch. I think it is the safer alternative. +1 for Dennis' comment about more pics, and looking forward to seeing some monster bowls from the monster lathe.

Jim Underwood
10-15-2013, 10:01 AM
I've done that "grab the falling spinning chuck" thing before. :eek: It's a tad uncomfortable. I don't recommend it.

Glad to see your monster lathe up and working after all the trials... Now go make some sawdust!

David DeCristoforo
10-15-2013, 12:56 PM
FWIW, there is a pretty complete photo history of the monster here:


Since then, the tool rest has been replaced with the VicMark outboard rest (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?200107-Mounted!&highlight=) and now the motor and VFD upgrade. I will update the photo archive soon but I need to rehab my workspace before taking any more pics as I pretty well thrashed it working on this!

Steve Schlumpf
10-15-2013, 10:32 PM
David - congrats on getting your lathe up and running! Looking forward to hearing how well you like turning on it!

Scott Hackler
10-15-2013, 10:38 PM
I think it's cool that you've archived Norm's photos on the initial build. I clearly remember following along with him and his journey. I am sure glad it found a home and new life has been brought to this cool project. Now I expect to see an Amphora that has a 3' diameter flute!

David DeCristoforo
10-15-2013, 11:48 PM
"...I expect to see an Amphora that has a 3' diameter..."

Bowls, Baby... bowls!

Dale Miner
10-16-2013, 7:31 AM
"...I expect to see an Amphora that has a 3' diameter..."

Bowls, Baby... bowls!