View Full Version : Happy Customer Service Story

Dave Carey
10-12-2013, 2:15 PM
I decided to try some woodburning on some turnings and after reading what Creekers had to say and doing some research I identified a system that I thought would fit my needs. Then I went shopping. Most sites had a package which included two pens. I checked on the Craft Supplies USA site; they had it for about the same price but with no pens. That's a $40-45 difference. I've ordered there before and chatted with their guys at woodworking shows so last weekend sent them an email asking if they indeed did include pens. Monday morning I received a response saying no they didn't but that they would match a price if the seller was a recognized vendor/dealer, the unit was not reconditioned and it wasn't a close out sale. Sent them a web site reference and an hour later received their OK to order at the competitor's price. It arrived yesterday (with free shipping), and I'm a happy camper. BTW I have no connection to Craft Supplies USA other than I send them money and they send me equipment and supplies, but I think good service these days should be recognized. Cheers

Jon Nuckles
10-12-2013, 3:16 PM
I bought my 3520B from Craft Supplies. They matched the best price I found online and threw in a $50 gift certificate to boot. Based on that positive experience, I have purchased many things from them in the time since. Great service.

Jim Meyer
10-12-2013, 8:05 PM
I buy most of my turning needs from craft supply usa because of the fast delivery, good service. Very nice people to deal with. Jim