View Full Version : dust system

joe marra
10-11-2013, 8:01 PM
Hi Guys, installed my new dust system today, fellow turner Jack Savona showed me how to make it. Sanded all day no dust in the shop or in my nose, works great.

Robert Delhommer Sr
10-12-2013, 9:22 AM
Those little box fans work great with a filter on the input, I have 2 hanging from the ceiling in my work shop as air filters. :)

Jim Burr
10-13-2013, 2:40 PM
Is there a good reason, other than the usual two, that you don't wear breathing protection?...if you did, why do you have stuff in your nose?

joe marra
10-13-2013, 6:18 PM
Just started turning. Whats the usual two?

Jim Burr
10-13-2013, 10:51 PM
July isn't just started, and the two are arrogance and ignorance. Do your family a favor...cover up. It's been a recurring thread since the dawn of this place. Do it safe or save your family the trouble of a transplant.