View Full Version : Turning 2013 Cincinnati

Harry Robinette
10-10-2013, 9:55 PM
Got here and am having a ball all ready.Have seen J.Donaldson and a couple others I think most will get here in the morning.Pictures to start tomorrow.

Steve Mawson
10-10-2013, 11:07 PM
Keep us updated, would really like to be there.

Harry Robinette
10-13-2013, 11:02 PM
Sorry guy's had a great time but forgot my computer power cord plus batter's for my camera,will have some pictures when my buddy sends me the ones he took. Seen S.Schlumpf , J.Keeton. Had a demo class with A.Carter on his suspended piece and another demo on split and reglued bowls. There was a couple others but can't remember there names sorry about that. So SMC had a pretty good showing at the symposium.

John Keeton
10-14-2013, 10:16 AM
If any of you can attend this symposium, I would highly recommend it. Great venue, excellent demonstrators and good food. It is a biennial event, so mark your calendars for the middle of October 2015! Saw Harry several times, along with some other creekers. Great demos!!

Also enjoyed a week with Steve Schlumpf and his wife visiting with us! Can't say enough about that. Steve also gifted me one of his excellent SW forms which now graces a prime display spot in our great room. Thanks, Steve!

Jamie Donaldson
10-14-2013, 10:40 PM
John and Steve stopped by my home on their way to OVWG Symposium, and I didn't recognize Steve without his beard!

Steve Schlumpf
10-15-2013, 5:17 PM
Again with the beard... :D

Had a great time visiting with Jamie and also at the symposium! Started a separate thread on my trip so as not to hijack Harry's thread.

Great meeting you Harry! Was nice to meet a number of Creekers there!