View Full Version : Aromatic Red Cedar

Dr. Zack Jennings
05-15-2003, 5:51 PM
I scored some aromatic red cedar cheap. Culls from a sawmill/fence factory 5/8" X 51/2" X 6' for 25 cents a board. I bought 1" random width(4-8") X 8' for $1 a board. They let me select. I got this load for $50. Once it's banded into a bundle they won't break it.... so could only select from 1 stack of each. I got 100 boards.

Bluebird Houses: Is there any reason BB's (Bluebirds) would reject aromatic cedar?


Daniel Rabinovitz
05-16-2003, 11:41 AM
I have built a "peanut squirrel feeder" that has given Katy and me many hours of chuckles watching those "dumb" squirrels open the lid to get inside and obtain a peanut.
When I overfill the box and the lid stays up - the tufted titmouse come and grab a peanut - it looks like a fighter jet going off an aircraft carrier and losing altitude at the end ot the flight deck, then regaining altitude. The Blue Jays are the thieves with the lid up. They steal peanuts until the lid is closed and they can't get at them any more.
None of those animals seem to mind the aromatic cedar but then again it isn't a bird house.

You're photos of the Blue Bird houses promted me to get "the boss"(LOML) to check out your previous post. She and I loved the story and project.


Von Bickley
05-16-2003, 11:55 AM
Dr. Zack,

Looks like you have enough cedar to go into "bird houses" full time. Show us what a cedar bird house looks like.