View Full Version : Wipe On Poly

Robert B Povalkins
10-07-2013, 5:47 PM
Hi all, I am making goblets and people keep asking if they can drink from them. I said no. I heard you can use wipe on poly with about seven coats. Then after that you have to wait 30 days before you can use them. Is this true? If not is there anything you can use. Thanks Bob P

Brian Kent
10-07-2013, 6:30 PM
I make mine to be useable for communion, where they will have cold or room temp liquid in them for a short time daily, weekly, or monthly (depending on the church) and then washed and dried by hand. For that purpose, I am confident in the wipe on poly. I don't even know how many coats because it is different for each kind of wood. I keep adding until it does not absorb on the inside, and water rolls off the outside. Yes on the 30 days.

For my son's Renaissance Fair mug, which is meant to be abused, knock around, dropped, then left in a box for 6 months, I just make sure it doesn't leak very fast and looks OK. And yes on the 30 day rule for that too. I also can just soak them with mineral oil like a cutting board.

For regular use goblets, I have no idea what is best.

charlie knighton
10-07-2013, 7:57 PM
after 30 days, you can sand the poly with 1200 grit very lightly, then wipe with cloth

Jim Underwood
10-08-2013, 1:42 PM
Most finishes, when fully cured, are inert, and won't harm anyone by ingestion. The only concern after that is whether it will hold up with use. That's why many folks choose a non curing oil finish that can be renewed occasionally.

Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

Reed Gray
10-08-2013, 2:26 PM
The wipe on poly type finishes are dry to the touch in a day or so. They are pretty hard after a week. They will continue to 'off gas' for about a month. When fully cured, you will not be able to smell it at all.

robo hippy

Mike Cruz
10-08-2013, 5:06 PM
The answer has already been given...once completely dry, it will be just fine for use with liquid. Poly is not meant to be submersed or hold liquid for extended periods. But for short periods...like a goblet...it will be fine. I have a beer mug that I made years and years ago (12+ or so) and it has held up fine. Granted, the beer doesn't stay in it long! :D It holds, two full beers.:D:D

Robert B Povalkins
10-08-2013, 6:16 PM
Thanks all. That helps a lot. Mike that must be one big goblet to hold two full beers.