View Full Version : The Sleeper Awakens

David DeCristoforo
10-07-2013, 12:45 PM
This whole "monster lathe" project has been fraught with problems. Sometimes it seems like it has been one fiasco after another. The whole process of getting it here was something of a fiasco. Then there was the ill conceived tool rest. A lot of time and energy went into building it but it ended up being totally inadequate. That was resolved with the acquisition of the Vicmark tool rest unit. Then there was the Dynamotor fiasco which, while it did not end up costing me any money, involved a lot of time and effort with a very disappointing result.

The process of getting the VFD set up and matched up with a motor has also been a fiasco. What with having to send the unit back and the whole issue with having the "wrong" motor, a lot of time and energy went down the tubes there too.

But…. in the end, perseverance has paid off and the monster now has a heart.


There is still some work to be done. The remote controls need to be set up and I think the VFD will end up moving into an enclosure of some kind. But for now, everything is working and the machine is finally useable. So before I embark on any more tinkering, I'm going to chuck up some wood and turn something!

BTW, the FM50 is apparently available in a "NEMA" enclosure:


…which would be much better than the current setup. I would suggest that anyone considering buying one of these units look into the enclosed version.

Thanx again to all who offered assistance and sorry for the crappy cell phone pic!

Brian Kent
10-07-2013, 12:56 PM
Looks awesome. Results will be even awesomer. But can it turn pens?

Ken Fitzgerald
10-07-2013, 1:21 PM
May it serve you well David!

Roger Chandler
10-07-2013, 1:37 PM
Enclosing that VFD is almost a must if you ask me.........I was at the shop of one of our club members who put a VFD on his rockewll lathe [very similar to yours] and he stated the manufacturer told him he really needed to get that VFD enclosed to keep dust out of it.

Glad you have made the progress you have, and that monster is looking better all the time!

Jim Underwood
10-07-2013, 2:18 PM
The VFD on the Jet 1642 isn't enclosed is it? It's right there on the back of the headstock.

Roger Chandler
10-07-2013, 3:46 PM
The VFD on the Jet 1642 isn't enclosed is it? It's right there on the back of the headstock.

My Grizzly G0698 has a vfd on the headstock as well..........the circuit board & such are enclosed in a box and there is a heat sink on the outside to bring cooling to the unit.........

I would not want all that dust to get on the circuitry of the unit if I was in DD's shoes...........not being argumentative, but if I can enhance the reliability and performance with a little protection, then it just makes sense to me.

David DeCristoforo
10-07-2013, 4:13 PM
Personally, I see no need for an extended argument (or even a discussion) over the need to protect electronics from environmental extremes and that includes dust. The VFD will end up in an enclosure at some point, hopefully in the near future. The option to have your FM50 delivered in a sealed enclosure complete with externally mounted controls is worth consideration. If I had a wall, I would have set this up in a wall mounted box as suggested by Mike Cruz. However, with my current arrangement, that was not possible. I'm not sure how or where I will mount an enclosure but I'll figure that one out.

PS No, it will not turn pens. I tried approaching it with a pen blank and it began to back away and growl...

Ken Fitzgerald
10-07-2013, 4:22 PM
I tried approaching it with a pen blank and it began to back away and growl...

How far and how fast did it back away?:confused::rolleyes:

Sid Matheny
10-07-2013, 5:11 PM
Happy for you DD!


Curt Fuller
10-07-2013, 8:11 PM
Long may she run!

Michael Stafford
10-08-2013, 5:44 AM
PS No, it will not turn pens. I tried approaching it with a pen blank and it began to back away and growl...

You can probably fix that problem with a few sand bags. :p

Charles Drake
10-08-2013, 6:10 AM
It has really been interesting to follow your progress (and frustration) on this project and glad you have pretty much gotten it complete. My only question is will a single belt handle the power transfer?

Mike Cruz
10-08-2013, 5:12 PM
Sounds like she has a proper name, DD... Fiasco! Now you just need to get some vinyl lettering and make her name official.

Nate Davey
10-08-2013, 8:52 PM
Congratulations David, can't wait to see your first project on the monster

Tim Rinehart
10-10-2013, 11:27 AM
Congrats Dave, It's been frustrating just thinking about the trials you've been going thru with this monster, but your perseverance looks to be paying off. So looking forward to seeing some initial pieces and your opinions on the monster as it roars to life.