View Full Version : Creeker's Weekend Accomplishments

Dennis Peacock
10-07-2013, 9:00 AM
7 Oct 2013

Good Morning Everyone,
I'm a bit late getting to this today, so I'm sorry for being late. :)

Had a really good weekend here. Spent a lot of time with family and friends this weekend. Been teaching a young man how to ride motorcycle for the first time in his life and he is 24 years old. He's doing really well and I'm proud of his accomplishments. The weather here is finally cooling down enough to truly make a difference inside my shop, so it's getting time for me for get out there and start making some sawdust...instead of cleaning it all up for a change. Today it's back to the day job and back to taking care of business requirements. So.....

That's it for me, so what did YOU do this past weekend? Best of weeks to you all.!

Greg Hines, MD
10-07-2013, 10:15 AM
I worked and also began putting together an assembly table as I had listed on the Creek last night.


Shawn Pixley
10-07-2013, 11:31 AM
We had Santa Ana winds her, so it was unpleasant to be outside. The family has passed the flu to one another. LOML hda it Friday / Saturday. I cared for her and applied the base coat of finish epoxy fot the Slab Bench I am finishing up. I am tying the System 3 epoxy clearcoat that will be followed by the System 3 spar varnish. This may be overkill for a bench that will be outside but continuously shaded and sheltered from rain.

Yesterday it was my turn for the flu. Lousy night last night...

Doug Richardson
10-07-2013, 1:53 PM
Rained here all of Sunday, so I was forced to finish my crosscut sled:


Made it specifically for building new kitchen cabinets..... 42" x 42"
I have been dragging my feet on finishing this for a long time. Now I have no more excuses.....

Matt Meiser
10-07-2013, 5:41 PM
Wet weekend here so we canceled plans to work on yard work Saturday. Instead we set out with plans to run some errands. Early on the list was a stop at Tractor Supply to look for some rubber mats that might work on top of the washer and dryer. Didn't find any but there was a dog rescue there with a dog that met all the checkboxes of what we were looking for so we ended up adopting him. That threw the rest of the day out the window. Sunday we went to church late then my parents' so that consumed most of the day. Was too damp to try to do the spraying I need to do in the shop anyway be it was to warm to heat and too cool to run the AC to try to fix that.

This is Hayes (as in Hunter Hayes...got outvoted!)


Doug Richardson
10-08-2013, 9:07 AM
I see you have a warm & fuzzy side.....:D