View Full Version : Need tips for finishing Sapele

Erik Holmes
10-04-2013, 2:51 PM
I am building a hall tree for our entry way (based on the West Elm hall tree) which will have a bench and shelf to put shoes and things like that on. I want it to look similar to a teak TV cabinet we have in the same room. I'm not trying to match it exactly, just want it to look similar. I bought some sapele lumber because teak is too expensive. I am posting photos, so hopefully they show up. The sapele board is lighter in color than than the finished teak - the difference is more than the photos show. My question is how should I finish the sapele to get about the same color as the teak TV stand? I can't afford to spend much money to test out a bunch of different finishes, so I'm hoping to get some advice that will yield a color in the same ballpark so the pieces look reasonable in the same room. Would you suggest using some Tung or Danish oil to darken the color of the sapele a bit and then protecting it with poly? I've had luck with the General Finishes PolyAcrylic in the past - can I just coat it with that after letting the oil dry thoroughly? Any other tips? Thanks for the help! I'm a pretty new woodworker and these forums have been really valuable.

Ernie Miller
10-05-2013, 8:33 PM
I am building a hall tree for our entry way (based on the West Elm hall tree) which will have a bench and shelf to put shoes and things like that on. I want it to look similar to a teak TV cabinet we have in the same room. I'm not trying to match it exactly, just want it to look similar. I bought some sapele lumber because teak is too expensive. I am posting photos, so hopefully they show up. The sapele board is lighter in color than than the finished teak - the difference is more than the photos show. My question is how should I finish the sapele to get about the same color as the teak TV stand? I can't afford to spend much money to test out a bunch of different finishes, so I'm hoping to get some advice that will yield a color in the same ballpark so the pieces look reasonable in the same room. Would you suggest using some Tung or Danish oil to darken the color of the sapele a bit and then protecting it with poly? I've had luck with the General Finishes PolyAcrylic in the past - can I just coat it with that after letting the oil dry thoroughly? Any other tips? Thanks for the help! I'm a pretty new woodworker and these forums have been really valuable.

I recently finished a harpsichord stand using Sapele. For a finish, I used Bio Poly NT (http://www.earthpaint.net/product_bioPoly_NT.php). This is a fabulous, easy to apply finish that comes in clear and/or tinted varieties. I used a tinted Bio Poly called Toffee. Two or three coats is all you need for a very natural looking finish. You can also spray on a coat of varnish over it for added protection if necessary. Here's a picture of the instrument with the Sapele stand. The color looks similar to what you're looking for. I would give Tom Rioux at EarthPaint a call. You might even email a picture and ask for his suggestions - nice fellow.


Hope this helps.

Erik Holmes
10-06-2013, 5:40 PM
Thanks, Ernie. Your harpsichord looks amazing!