View Full Version : Mini max SC 10

Darcy Forman
10-04-2013, 11:12 AM
Does anyone have a mini max SC 10 sliding table saw or ever used one. Pros, or cons? What should one look for on a used one??

Darcy Forman
10-04-2013, 5:58 PM
Thanks Eric. I thought if the price was right I would take a look. Waiting for the seller to get back to me.

Larry Edgerton
01-04-2014, 7:31 AM
I know this is an older thread, but I bought a new SC10 20 years ago and it is still in use. I also own a Unisaw and a PM66, and there is absolutely no comparison for a saw for general use, hands down the SC 10 is better in every way. I have a bearing issue coming up and it is the first thing that has gone wrong with it in 20 years of hard use in a commercial setting. I have the optional sliding carriage, not really a panel cutter but very useful just the same.

If you bought the saw, I have several scoring belts. When I bought it I thought they looked like a weak point, but the original is still on the saw. The manual however absolutely sucks, as does every SCM manual I have, so you are pretty much on your own if you do need to fix something. I was looking for bearing numbers when I ran across this thread, manual is of no help.

I also have a couple of sets of drive belts if you need a modern part number.

Hope you bought it, they are great general purpose saws.


Darcy Forman
01-04-2014, 8:10 PM
Thanks Larry. I never did get a chance to buy the saw. Tried twice to get ahold of the sell with no response back. I guess he didn't really want to sell it after all. A week after posting this thread I broke my left arm playing hockey. I blocked a slap shot with my arm that was coming at my face. Two weeks after that I had to have the arm re-broke and a plate put in. So long story, but I kind of gave up after all that for awhile. I just got back in the shop Dec 20th and built a fire place mantel. Nice to finally get back in the shop.

Mike Delyster
01-04-2014, 10:31 PM
Thanks Larry. I never did get a chance to buy the saw. Tried twice to get ahold of the sell with no response back. I guess he didn't really want to sell it after all. A week after posting this thread I broke my left arm playing hockey. I blocked a slap shot with my arm that was coming at my face. Two weeks after that I had to have the arm re-broke and a plate put in. So long story, but I kind of gave up after all that for awhile. I just got back in the shop Dec 20th and built a fire place mantel. Nice to finally get back in the shop.

That sucks!!
Glad to hear your back in the shop Darcy.