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Bart Sharp
06-01-2005, 12:24 AM
My wife left yesterday for a two week vacation in Myrtle Beach with her grandmother. That leaves me and our 16 month old daughter to fend for ourselves, living off the land. I am looking forward to really getting to spend time with Critter, and I'm sure I'll appreciate even more how much work my wife does cooking/cleaning/doing laundry/chasing the baby while I'm at school. I'm tired already! Thank goodness we have so many great friends who have offered to lend a hand if need be. I think I'll manage just fine, but it's nice to know that people care enough to offer.

Now when the next baby comes along, forget about it! A man has to know his limitations...

Tim Morton
06-01-2005, 6:16 AM
Good Luck with the 2 weeks, and I'm pretty sure that is in some way a 'gloat", whihc of course means that it ain't happening unless we see a picture:D. BTW I have been playing "soccer mom" for the past 4 weeks of being unemployed, and I swear I have worked harder in this past month keeping up with all the laundry house cleaning, projects and driving 2 teenage daughters around. its been the best 4 weeks I can remember in a long time:D:D

Jim Becker
06-01-2005, 9:54 AM
What a wonderful opportunity to even more deeply bond with your daughter!

Bart Sharp
06-01-2005, 10:39 AM
Good Luck with the 2 weeks, and I'm pretty sure that is in some way a 'gloat", whihc of course means that it ain't happening unless we see a picture:D. BTW I have been playing "soccer mom" for the past 4 weeks of being unemployed, and I swear I have worked harder in this past month keeping up with all the laundry house cleaning, projects and driving 2 teenage daughters around. its been the best 4 weeks I can remember in a long time:D:D

I guess you're right Tim, that was a little bit of a gloat. As per the SMC terms of service requiring photographic evidence of any such post, here's a picture of the two of us from earlier this spring. I'm usually behind the camera, so unfortunately nothing more recent. I haven't been reading here as much as usual the past few weeks, I missed anything about you being unemployed. I hope everything is working out for you.

I think today we'll go play in the fountain on campus...

Jeff Sudmeier
06-01-2005, 10:41 AM

Sounds like a great couple of weeks! She sure is a cute looking child, I am sure you adore her!

Tim Morton
06-01-2005, 12:18 PM
I guess you're right Tim, that was a little bit of a gloat. As per the SMC terms of service requiring photographic evidence of any such post, here's a picture of the two of us from earlier this spring. I'm usually behind the camera, so unfortunately nothing more recent. I haven't been reading here as much as usual the past few weeks, I missed anything about you being unemployed. I hope everything is working out for you.

I think today we'll go play in the fountain on campus...

Now we are talking!!! Looks like you guys will have a great 2 weeks together...and you will make your wife very happy. BTW...yes things are going great here for me, had a job interview yesterday but I can tell you I DON"T look foward to going back...but the bills do keep coming :mad:

Norman Hitt
06-01-2005, 8:23 PM
Bart, that sure is a Cutie you've got there, and it's great to have them all to yourself for a while when they're little.

My oldest was born while I was in the Air Force on an Isolated Tour for a year, and was 5 1/2 months old when I got to see her for the first time. After 3 months back in Tech school on the new model of some electronic equipment I was stationed outside DC at HQ, USAF, Technical Application Center where I worked mostly Mon thru Fri, 8 to 5. During this time, my wife was a Stylist at a beauty salon in the Shopping Center by our Apt, and worked Tue thru Sat, long hours, so I got to pick up our daughter from the Day Care Center about an hour and a half before my wife got off work every day, and I had her all day every Saturday. Needless to say, she quickly became a "Daddy's girl, and has remained so ever since. Our second daughter was born after I got out of the service and I was gone a lot "Flying for a living", including one 13 month stretch that I only got to be home one night a week for 22 hrs, (If I drove like crazy for the 130 mile commute each way), when she was between two and three years old. As you might have guessed, this one, became pretty much a "Mommas Girl", but has seemed to grow Much Fonder of old Dad in the last few years I'm happy to say. So Spend as much time with them as you can when they're little, because it is certainly rewarding.

Jason Roehl
06-01-2005, 9:27 PM
Hey, Bart, that's not a pic from Murdock Park, is it? Looks familiar, but I can't quite tell from the pic. That's a precious little girl you've got there--I'm sure you've been warned, but they don't stay that way for long (don't stay little, that is).

BTW, I haven't forgotten about getting you some wood, I've just been so busy lately I don't know which way is up right now. Work, Mulberry Fest Committee meetings(Fest is this Saturday!), my oldest boy started T-ball (I'm helping coach--it's like herding cats), so the garage/shop re-organization has taken a bit of a back-burner. And, to top it off, my truck's starter got me TO work today after some protest, but then it decided it was done this evening.

Bart Sharp
06-02-2005, 12:29 AM
Hey, Bart, that's not a pic from Murdock Park, is it? Looks familiar, but I can't quite tell from the pic. That's a precious little girl you've got there--I'm sure you've been warned, but they don't stay that way for long (don't stay little, that is).

BTW, I haven't forgotten about getting you some wood, I've just been so busy lately I don't know which way is up right now. Work, Mulberry Fest Committee meetings(Fest is this Saturday!), my oldest boy started T-ball (I'm helping coach--it's like herding cats), so the garage/shop re-organization has taken a bit of a back-burner. And, to top it off, my truck's starter got me TO work today after some protest, but then it decided it was done this evening.

Yep, that's Murdock Park. That's actually where my wife and I met like nine years ago.

No worries about the wood, I wouldn't have much time to mess with anything right now anyway. I thought things would slow down a little in the summer, but I underestimated the amount of research work I'm expected to do.

Charles McKinley
06-02-2005, 1:09 AM
Hi Bart,

(please be sure to note the smiley face next to the headline)

I'm sure you will be fine. Have fun with the Munchkin this week. It gets easier as you go. My munchkins are almost 4, terrible 2 and 9 months. I have thought of putting my tips togeather and writing a Mr. Mom Book.

You will be amazed that two aren't much harder than one. Now the third one is when things start to get tricky. Especially if they are really close in age.

It is fun. It is hard doing much else though. My wife and I agree that it is important for at least one of us to be home, at least most of the time. I'm lucky enough to have my parents and extended family near-by.

Bart Sharp
06-02-2005, 8:54 AM
Hi Bart,

(please be sure to note the smiley face next to the headline)

I'm sure you will be fine. Have fun with the Munchkin this week. It gets easier as you go. My munchkins are almost 4, terrible 2 and 9 months. I have thought of putting my tips togeather and writing a Mr. Mom Book.

You will be amazed that two aren't much harder than one. Now the third one is when things start to get tricky. Especially if they are really close in age.

It is fun. It is hard doing much else though. My wife and I agree that it is important for at least one of us to be home, at least most of the time. I'm lucky enough to have my parents and extended family near-by.

I've always heard that with one kid, two parents can double-team. With two kids, you're down to playing one-on-one. More than two kids and zone defense is your only hope.

Despite being back in school, we're still managing to keep my wife at home during the week. Then she works on the weekends while I take care of the baby. I feel pretty lucky that we're able to pull that off.

Bill Grumbine
06-02-2005, 9:21 AM
Hi Bart

I have been reading this thread as it has developed over the past couple of days. I hope you have fun with your daughter. They grow up quickly. I have been a Mr. Mom for 19 years now. :eek: Our first was born while I was in grad school and SWMBO was working full time. She always had the good job, and I had the ones of lesser quality/salary. In 1992 when I was back to work full time and the two older ones were in school, #3 came along, and I quit to stay home and start my woodworking business. For years I worked "2nd shift" in the basement after taking care of kids all day long.

The year after I quit and got the business going, I started homeschooling the girls. We had one graduate last year and one is graduating this year, and then I am down to one. Like Chuck says, two is not much harder than one, and in some ways easier, since they can amuse each other and give you a break. Now, two diaper bags, two strollers and two of everything else gets a little complicated, but we managed.

Good luck with her, and have a great time while Mom is away.


Bart Sharp
06-04-2005, 4:12 PM
Hi Bart

I have been reading this thread as it has developed over the past couple of days. I hope you have fun with your daughter. They grow up quickly. I have been a Mr. Mom for 19 years now. :eek: Our first was born while I was in grad school and SWMBO was working full time. She always had the good job, and I had the ones of lesser quality/salary. In 1992 when I was back to work full time and the two older ones were in school, #3 came along, and I quit to stay home and start my woodworking business. For years I worked "2nd shift" in the basement after taking care of kids all day long.

The year after I quit and got the business going, I started homeschooling the girls. We had one graduate last year and one is graduating this year, and then I am down to one. Like Chuck says, two is not much harder than one, and in some ways easier, since they can amuse each other and give you a break. Now, two diaper bags, two strollers and two of everything else gets a little complicated, but we managed.

Good luck with her, and have a great time while Mom is away.


I had grand schemes of working on research in the evenings after Charlotte went to bed, but I've been so tired by then that nothing has gotten done. I have to tip my hat to anyone who can chase the kids all day then work a second shift doing anything more strenuous than clicking through the channels on TV.