View Full Version : Walnut Drying

bruce Humphrey
09-29-2013, 8:42 PM
I just scored a small black walnut tree. I lady needed it removed and offered it in return for the labor. I ended up with a couple of 8 foot pieces going from 12" - 10" in diameter. I also kept some smaller pieces.

I would like to wait to take it to the sawmill. Since I don't know what I will use it for. I know I should paint the ends, should I do anything else? remove the bark?


Mike Cutler
09-29-2013, 9:24 PM
Paint the ends with Anchor Seal, or Arbor Seal. Get it up off the ground and out of direct sunlight until you know better what you want to do with it.

Jim Andrew
09-30-2013, 7:56 AM
If you plan to store it without cutting it up, keep it wet. Logs degrade as they dry out, they crack on the outside and as they dry the cracks continue toward the center. You are better off getting it sawn as soon as possible. If you think you want some 2" lumber, just have some sawn 2" thick, and resaw them if you need to later.

Prashun Patel
09-30-2013, 8:53 AM
+1 for Anchorseal and keep it out of the sun. If they are "only" 10-12" in diameter, depending on how much sap wood there is, it might not be worth the expense to have them milled; rather, consider making them into turning blanks if you have access to a lathe or friends with a lathe.

Danny Hamsley
09-30-2013, 9:10 PM
Yes, anchorseal the ends. Paint is not worthless, just close.

bruce Humphrey
09-30-2013, 9:40 PM
Thanks everyone