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View Full Version : Japanese Chisel Hoops

Jim Young
05-31-2005, 8:42 PM
Finally bought some chisels and now need to know how to set the hoops. Does anyone know of an article or can explain it so I can understand?

Gregory Benulis
05-31-2005, 8:53 PM
Joel Moskowitz at Tools For Working Wood has a good article titled How to Set the Hoops on Japanese Chisels (http://www.toolsforworkingwood.com/Merchant/merchant.mvc?Screen=NEXT&StoreCode=toolstore&nextpage=/extra/setting_hoop_guide.html) on his website.

Takeshi Uchida
06-01-2005, 7:59 AM
Hi Jim-san
Congrats. You got good tool :)
Sorry, I could not find English page of hoops (we call Katsura) setting.
But I reccomend the following page.
It's Japanese page but pics or video on each page may help you.


Click the NEXT button in navigation bar at the bottom of each page.
if video button is active, click it. :-)

page d0602.htm correct position
d0603.htm necessary tools (mallet, round file, knife or chisel)
d0604.htm How to remove hoop from chisel.
d0605.htm Trimming inside of hoop with file.
d0606.htm Adjusting the diameter of chisel
d0607.htm setting (and end of hoop setting)
and the following page is whetting )

I hope this can help you.

Dan Moening
06-02-2005, 1:16 PM

Thank you for that link.

I don't understand Japanese, but the videos are top notch and the pictures tell enough to follow the instruction.

I managed to find the main index page, and will be spending a lot of time learning from all the content.

I noticed that you have only a few posts here. Welcome. I do hope that our language is not a barrier to you joining our discussions and that you become a regular contributor.