View Full Version : Coin bank from Post Office Box Door

Michael Ray Smith
09-23-2013, 3:27 PM
I recently picked up some post office box doors to turn into coin banks and such. Here's the first one I finished. Nothing special from a woodworking point of view, but I think it looks pretty cool if I do say so myself. Just a mitered box with the bottom of the box -- or the back, once it's turned on end -- in a rabbet. Then a mitered frame on the open side of the box (my wife's suggestion -- she thought it would dress it up a little more than just leaving the edges alone) before attaching the door. It rests on a couple of lengths of square stock glued across the bottom. Some green felt on the inside, just on the bottom. It was also my first attempt at French polishing anything -- which I'll definitely keep doing on other projects. I like the results and all that polishing is sort of therapeutic.

I found an old thread discussing this sort of bank with a comment from Jim Koepke observing that they're a little front-heavy. He's right. For the next one I'm making -- which happens to be with the next larger size door, a No. 2 -- I'm going to lean the front of it backwards by 10 degrees.


Robert Delhommer Sr
09-23-2013, 5:27 PM
Looks nice, that has been on my to do list for about 25 years as I bought some doors 25 years ago but just too busy working to ever have the time to make them. Now that I am retired I hope to finally find the time to make them. :)

Chris Griggs
09-23-2013, 5:29 PM
That's pretty cool Michael. Looks like a fun project and came up really nice!

Tom Blank
09-24-2013, 1:01 AM

Pretty cool. I have one similar made out of Oak that my Uncle made for my Dad as a Christmas present in the early 1960s. Where did you get the doors? If I had seven, I'd make one for each of my grandkids.


Jim Koepke
09-24-2013, 3:21 AM

That looks very well done.

These banks are great until you forget the combination.


Brian Holcombe
09-24-2013, 8:21 AM
My wife bought one of those from an antique shop. It had two lettered dials on it but the code long gone. I took a wild guess at what the combo was and got it on the first shot. The combo was 'F','U'. So, seems some people had a sense of humor even back then.