View Full Version : Maple Burl went into the WOOD CHIPPER!!!

Clarence Martin
09-21-2013, 12:27 PM
Picture this :

You are eating Lunch and are told that while they were out shopping the other day, they saw a Tree Trimmer in Town cutting down a very old , large Sugar Maple tree. They then go on to explain how there was this VERY LARGE TUMOR LIKE GROWTH ON THE TRUNK OF THE OLD TREE!

You ask, " How big was the growth ?

They say, " Oh about 2 feet this way and about 2 feet that way! "

You then explain that the growth was probably a Burl on the tree. You then ask " What did they do with the Burl?''

They say " Oh, that went straight into the WOOD CHIPPER!! WHO WOULD WANT SOMETHING LIKE THAT ? "


Roger Chandler
09-21-2013, 1:02 PM
IF they only knew! :eek:

Brian Brown
09-21-2013, 1:21 PM

Bob Bergstrom
09-21-2013, 5:36 PM
That had to be a big chipper to handle a large hard maple!

Dave Fritz
09-22-2013, 10:43 AM
Would it be useful to contact the tree service and ask them to save things like that in the future? It would give them a return on an item they'd just throw away. I suppose sometimes it's easier to just chip it up rather than have to load it and haul somewhere?

Dave Fritz

john taliaferro
09-26-2013, 8:58 AM
Back to the wall and blindfold em . When you show them a finished pice they always say o that what that is , we didn't know anybody would want that .

Jim Underwood
09-26-2013, 4:05 PM
That's like tossing $100 bills into your fireplace because you didn't know what money was.