View Full Version : Who names their tools?

Todd Burch
09-20-2013, 6:39 PM
I've thought about starting to name my larger tools. Not sure why, but it sounds cool.

Anyone else name their tools? Do you have a convention?

And I'm not talking about calling your lathe "Lathe" and your saw "Saw". ;)


Kevin Bourque
09-20-2013, 6:53 PM
I have an old jointer that I call " my old jointer".

Richard Coers
09-20-2013, 7:08 PM
My wife named them all "too expensive". Maybe a little therapy Todd?

Jim Tabor
09-20-2013, 7:19 PM
Most of the time I call my band saw #&*^%$@!!! None of my other tools have a name.....yet.

eugene thomas
09-20-2013, 7:47 PM
Only tool I named is my air compressor. Big red. Its big and its red, not to creative but.

Mike Henderson
09-20-2013, 8:02 PM
I have trouble remembering people's names. I'd never remember the names of my tools.


Frederick Skelly
09-20-2013, 8:08 PM
Not me either.

paul cottingham
09-20-2013, 8:12 PM
To be honest, I haven't, and that is out of character for me. I often find myself giving inanimate objects names. It really helps to be able to attach a name to something I'm upset with.

Peter Quinn
09-20-2013, 8:34 PM
I named my shaper "The Paolini"............and it is a paolini.....ok so I didn't name it Fred, or Guiseppi, but I do refer to it in the first person. Even crafted a jingle to go with it that I sing to the kids.....to the point that they know it too. I envision it to be the iron embodiment of an Italian craftsman, precise, loyally carrying out its wood working duties like a member of my staff. Other members include "The Old DeWalt", the "Tiny Buffalo" aka minimax shaper, Mr Meber (my bandsaw), and "You Complete POS", aka whichever machine is not working correctly due to my failure to set it correctly but gets yelled at due to my unwillingness to take personal responsibility for the failure in the heat of the moment.................I'm a great boss.

My therapist says its ok to name my tools as long as I don't spend too much time talking to them......:rolleyes:

Andrew Hughes
09-20-2013, 8:38 PM
I have a friend who calls all his tools My Precious .Now if you will excuse me I am off to the fight at Helms Deep.:)

Rob Feldner
09-20-2013, 8:54 PM
I used to do some blacksmithing and other metalworking with a group of friends. We had an old Lincoln AC/DC welder that was about four feet high and had a rounded top. We called it the Wurlitzer.
Our shop foreman has several names for one of the CNC machines, none of which I'll repeat here.

Steve Kohn
09-20-2013, 9:05 PM
A friend of mine has named his tablesaw "The Old B***h". And that was before he opened up his thumb on the machine and ended up with stitches in his hand. I can't repeat here what he calls it now.

paul cottingham
09-21-2013, 12:30 AM
I am reminded of the movie "The Gods Must be Crazy." One of the characters had a jeep he called "The AntiChrist."
I had some tools, now gone that deserved that name.

Jason White
09-21-2013, 12:56 AM

Whenever one of my tools stops working, I call it "f***ing son of a b****!!!"


jim gossage
09-21-2013, 7:10 AM
I call my kapex miter saw the "budget breaker", my grizzly planer is the "beast" and all tools have at one time or another been called "you POS"

Kent A Bathurst
09-21-2013, 10:40 AM
For, oh...15+ years, maybe longer, I went to the Kentucky Derby every year. Only horse race I ever went to. Know nothing about it, really.

Lat 90's I wanted to get going on WW; knew how I wanted to equip the shop. No funds, though.

However - in 1998 I drilled the Trifecta at the Derby.

Wife: "Did you win anything?"
Me: "yep"
Her: What?
Me: The trifecta.
Her - looking at the tote board: That's a lot of money!!
Me - Baloney [or, something similar]. That's a table saw!

My saw's name is Real Quiet, the winner of the 122d Kentucky Derby.

Ridden by Kent Desormeaux. I didn't bet the horse because of his first name, I bet the horse because I thought he was the best jockey in the race that year.

The downside: That bet convinced me I knew something about the sport. In subsequent years, I had the occasional win, but net-net, I have given back to Churchill Downs more that I won that day.

But I still got the UniSaw.

Harold Burrell
09-21-2013, 3:26 PM
When I first saw this thread I thought, "Really? Who would name their tools?"

Then I remembered. I have a lopper...that I named "Cyndi". :o

Joe Spear
09-21-2013, 3:51 PM
I don't name my tools, but I have a cane I've been using until I get a hip replacement Monday. I call it Virgil, which is understandable to anybody who knows "The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down."

Kent A Bathurst
09-21-2013, 5:01 PM
I don't name my tools, but I have a cane I've been using until I get a hip replacement Monday. I call it Virgil, which is understandable to anybody who knows "The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down."

You will need Virgil after the new hip goes in.

Stage 3 of recovery.

First - a walker like your Grandma uses.
Second - crutches.
Third - Virgil.

Trust me - you will simply not believe how much better your feel after they install the new gear. Everyone should get a hip replacement. I am about 12 months out on getting the full set.

ray hampton
09-21-2013, 5:23 PM
do anyone consider their car or house a tool ? your wife or husband could be a tool if you work with them

Joe Spear
09-22-2013, 10:06 AM
You will need Virgil after the new hip goes in.

Stage 3 of recovery.


Trust me - you will simply not believe how much better your feel after they install the new gear. Everyone should get a hip replacement. I am about 12 months out on getting the full set.

Thanks for the encouragement. I'm looking forward to losing the limp in a few months.

Larry Fox
09-22-2013, 10:41 AM
A friend of mine and I were working on a project together and for some reason I don't recall we jokingly started referring to my Wenzloff sash saw as Chuck Norris and the name has kinda stuck. Other than that - no.

Adam Diethrich
09-22-2013, 11:27 AM
Uummm, I think girls do that kind of thing :D


Chris Kennedy
09-22-2013, 11:56 AM
While trying out my new shoulder plane several years back, my wife and I jokingly referred to the sound it made as a "snick." It quickly became known as the snick-snick plane.

Other than that . . . none that I can think of.


Steve Peterson
09-22-2013, 2:08 PM
No tools named, but often cars get a name. We also named our GPS Maggie (short for the brand name Magellan). This seems natural since it talks to us.


Paul Wunder
09-22-2013, 3:15 PM
No tools. But I owned an ugly brownish Rabbit Diesel many years ago that my boys nicknamed doodie.


Larry Browning
09-22-2013, 4:46 PM
No tools named, but often cars get a name. We also named our GPS Maggie (short for the brand name Magellan). This seems natural since it talks to us.

Stevemy grand daughter named our GPS Dora. I thought that was quite creative.

Tom Giles
09-22-2013, 6:19 PM
I don't give my tools names. Nor do I name my estate, vehicles or boats. I did however, at their moms insistence, name my children.

Michael Dunn
09-23-2013, 8:17 AM
Most of the time I call my band saw #&*^%$@!!! None of my other tools have a name.....yet.

Ha! LOL! That's what I called my old Cal-Hawk 14" POS BS. They must be cousins.

Mark Blatter
09-23-2013, 10:35 AM
I am reminded of the movie "The Gods Must be Crazy." One of the characters had a jeep he called "The AntiChrist."
I had some tools, now gone that deserved that name.

Paul, you and I might be the only ones willing to admit to watching that movie. It is so funny, but my wife thinks it about as stupid a movie ever made. She has brainwashed my kids into believing the same thing.

I call my saw, 'stupid saw' after it ruins a nice piece of wood. I use the same nomenclature with all my tools...'stupid planer'....stupid 'jig saw' because they seem to always be ruining a nice piece of expensive lumber.

Joe Spear
09-23-2013, 10:47 AM
It's a very funny and interesting movie.

Wayne Jolly
09-23-2013, 11:30 AM
I have neer named my tools, but I have had a few cars that I have called the Money Pit, or the black hole.


Joe Hillmann
09-23-2013, 12:03 PM
I haven't named any of my tools but I have named several cars, a gun and a bow. Usually for something to get a name from me it has to be a finicky, cantankerous piece of crap that I spend half your time swearing and the other half apologizing and sweet talking it into working on the off chance it can actually understand me and my swearing may have offended it and be the reason it is choosing not to work as it should.

johnny means
09-23-2013, 12:47 PM
Naming things is only cool if it happens organically. The name needs to naturally spring from the character of the object. Me and my wife often wax on abou Ol Yella and Big Bertha, our first two cars as a couple. The first was a beat up old yellow Subaru, the second a ghetto fab old Mercury. We never thought to name them it just happened. Now we drive the Expedition and the Jeep. Late model, ho-hum grocery getters, they just don't seem to inspire enough affection to deserve names. Likewise in my shop, my 80s era slider is on its way to being known as Sherman while my Sawstop, as much as I love it, is just "the tablesaw".

ray hampton
09-23-2013, 12:56 PM
Paul, you and I might be the only ones willing to admit to watching that movie. It is so funny, but my wife thinks it about as stupid a movie ever made. She has brainwashed my kids into believing the same thing.

I call my saw, 'stupid saw' after it ruins a nice piece of wood. I use the same nomenclature with all my tools...'stupid planer'....stupid 'jig saw' because they seem to always be ruining a nice piece of expensive lumber.

is this movie about the coke bottle falling out of a plane and hitting the man on his head [ without causing any damage to his head ]

Pat Barry
09-23-2013, 1:05 PM
You will need Virgil after the new hip goes in.

Stage 3 of recovery.

First - a walker like your Grandma uses.
Second - crutches.
Third - Virgil.

Trust me - you will simply not believe how much better your feel after they install the new gear. Everyone should get a hip replacement. I am about 12 months out on getting the full set.

My wife just had her hip done. Steps were walker then cane, no need for crutches whatsoever. In fact, they encouraged to get off the walker and cane as soon as she could feel steady.

Erik Christensen
09-25-2013, 5:02 PM
my only named tool is a 5hp shaper w/feeder - it is "shorts-changer" because if you screwup with that beast it gets so exciting so quick that, assuming you don't need transport to the ER, you do feel the need for fresh undies

Patrick McCarthy
09-25-2013, 9:33 PM
I've thought about starting to name my larger tools. Not sure why, but it sounds cool.

Anyone else name their tools? Do you have a convention?

And I'm not talking about calling your lathe "Lathe" and your saw "Saw". ;)

I gotta tell ya, Todd, you is starting to worry me . . . . . . .

Todd Burch
09-25-2013, 11:18 PM
I gotta tell ya, Todd, you is starting to worry me . . . . . . .

I worry myself some times.

I think I'll call one of my latest purchases "Johnson". It's a horizontal bandsaw (metal cutting) made by... you guessed it.... Johnson. Johnson was bought out by Kysor, and Kysor was bought out by Dake. I'm going through the restoration process on it now. After it's all cleaned up, when guests are over at the house, I can ask them if they want to go out to my shop and see my Johnson.


Joe Spear
09-26-2013, 8:03 PM
My wife just had her hip done. Steps were walker then cane, no need for crutches whatsoever. In fact, they encouraged to get off the walker and cane as soon as she could feel steady.

I just came home from the hospital three hours ago. My hip replacement surgery started at 1:30 p.m. Monday. I looked at the smiling faces of the team in the operating room at 1:30, and instantly I was waking up in the recovery room. Anesthesia is a wonderful thing. The next day I could walk, without any assistance, several laps around the floor hallway. However, the physical therapist insisted I at least push the walker even though I didn't have to lean on it at all. After 76 hours in the hospital, they sent me home with a pair of crutches, which I will use only when I go on any long walks that may tire me out. Stairs unassisted are also not difficult. My day nurse said I was the first hip replacement patient of hers who did not have any problems at all. Two keys to success: (1) anterior approach, which requires only a small incision and doesn't cut any muscles and (2) the fact that I spent seven months of the spring and summer at the gym and in the pool maintaining my strength. A really good surgeon also had something to do with it. Now I just have to stay away from woodworking tools until I don't need blood thinners anymore.

David Delo
09-26-2013, 8:28 PM
271780I know it's only Thursday but Sunday is coming.........My Delta 1826 drum sander is called my "Jesus Machine'" because it covers a multitude of sins!

John Sanford
09-30-2013, 11:56 AM
Just one. My 2lb Nupla Deadblow Hammer is named "The Persuader". Everybody who has ever spent much time working with me in my shop knows it's name.