View Full Version : Grizzly track saw dust collection question

bobby milam
09-19-2013, 9:18 PM
For those that have the Grizzly, what shop vacs connect well to it? I use a Rigid shop vac right now but the hose is too large. I tried an adapter which fit but slips off too easily. I tried contacting Grizzly since it is their product and find out from them but they won't make recommendations on products that they don't make. That's my 2nd question to them about it that they won't answer so I am not too pleased with their tech support at the moment, but that's another story. Their advise was to use duct tape which is not going to happen. Home depot doesn't stock another hose for the correct size. I wouldn't mind having another shop vac so I'd appreciate any advise from someone who's had success with it. I know festool will fit but it is out of my budget right now.

Jason White
09-19-2013, 10:53 PM
Woodcraft sells "stepped" rubber adapters that work great for this sort of thing. I'd post a link to one but I'm sure it would get deleted. Here's a picture of one that Fein makes...

I have the Fein adapter and like it a lot. You could also just buy a rubber coupling in the plumbing aisle at Home Depot. They have hose clamps on both ends.

bobby milam
09-19-2013, 11:18 PM
I can give the stepped adapter a try. Maybe being rubber it will hold better. I won't mess with the clamps because if it is more than just pushing the hose on, I'll never use it.


Rick Potter
09-20-2013, 12:14 AM
Peachtree sells two rubber adaptors for this type thing. I bought a couple of each, and one of them worked fine for adapting my small PC sander hose to my DeWalt track saw. I would suggest getting a 1 1/2" hose and adapting it at the vacuum, it's a lot more manageable than the 2 1/4".

Rick Potter

Jason White
09-20-2013, 10:59 AM
Ditto what Rick said... Don't use a full-size 2-1/4" shop vac hose if you can help it. It'll be too heavy and clunky, anyway. I'm pretty sure Ridgid makes a smaller hose. Festool also makes a less expensive gray-colored hose with a rubber boot on the end called a "non anti-static" hose. I used one with my regular shop vac before I started buying other Festool stuff. Worked fine. Like Bobby mentioned, the key is to use a RUBBER adapter so you can stretch or compress it a little as needed.

Peachtree sells two rubber adaptors for this type thing. I bought a couple of each, and one of them worked fine for adapting my small PC sander hose to my DeWalt track saw. I would suggest getting a 1 1/2" hose and adapting it at the vacuum, it's a lot more manageable than the 2 1/4".

Rick Potter

Curt Harms
09-20-2013, 11:01 AM
Peachtree sells two rubber adaptors for this type thing. I bought a couple of each, and one of them worked fine for adapting my small PC sander hose to my DeWalt track saw. I would suggest getting a 1 1/2" hose and adapting it at the vacuum, it's a lot more manageable than the 2 1/4".

Rick Potter

Ohhhh yeah. That's one of the great things about Fein, I love their smaller flexible hose for portable dust/chip producers. I know there's a Mr. Nozzle aftermarket setup but have no idea how flexible the hose is.

david brum
09-20-2013, 11:07 AM
I'm using an 1 1/4" hose with a 35mm end and a 2 1/4" end. The 35mm end fits right into the port on my grizzly track saw. The 2 14" end is fitted with an adapter sleeve and slides onto the existing end of shop vac hose.

I've tried a few different hoses and learned a couple of things. First, a large and inflexible hose is really frustrating to use. It will continually catch on the edge of the board because of the pronounced coils. This stops the saw or pulls the hose out or both. A big hose also makes the saw hard to maneuver. No fun.

The best hoses are smaller, flexier ones with lots of little coils. These tend to slide over the edge of the board and make the saw easy to handle.

My current hose is like THIS (http://www.amazon.com/Bosch-VAC005-5-Meter-Vacuum-Hose/dp/B0000AV78B/ref=pd_sim_sbs_hg_11).

For the big end, I use a stepped adapter to connect 2 1/4 to 2 1/2. I got it at Home Depot and it looks like THIS (http://www.amazon.com/Big-Horn-11269-Stepped-Adapter/dp/B001B5SMNK/ref=sr_1_cc_1?s=aps&ie=UTF8&qid=1379689397&sr=1-1-catcorr&keywords=stepped+shop+vac+adapter). I cut it off the smaller sections.

Rather than pull the hose off of the shop vac, I just connect the adapter to the end of the shop vac hose.

This system works great and is easy to use, which mean that I actually use it.

Mike Nguyen
09-20-2013, 1:42 PM
I think this hose from Home Depot fit your track saw too. This is the same hose I use on my Festool.

bobby milam
09-20-2013, 9:48 PM
Ok thank you. I really hadn't thought about the size of the hose itself, just the connector. Now that you talk about it, it makes sense.