View Full Version : Sometimes, things are just made to be painted.

Don Dorn
09-17-2013, 2:53 PM
Just finished this for a couple of little girls that are friends of the family. One recently learned to read and the other is just starting, so it seemed appropriate.

It's one of those on and off three day projects if you include the glue ups so it wasn't difficult. Enjoyed being able to get it done quickly, but yet use handtools (primarily). I gave it to "Mom" in sanded pine - and this is it a day later. Not everyone's cup of tea, but to me, it was just made to be painted and put in a girls room.

http://i111.photobucket.com/albums/n124/djdorn/Girlsbookcase_zps4a5fc7ec.jpg (http://s111.photobucket.com/user/djdorn/media/Girlsbookcase_zps4a5fc7ec.jpg.html)

Bill Houghton
09-17-2013, 2:57 PM
Very sweet little bookcase.

Frederick Skelly
09-17-2013, 7:14 PM
Thats lovely Don. What a nice gift!

And you're right - it was just made to be painted.


Sam Murdoch
09-17-2013, 7:52 PM
Made for or not - it's painted now :D. Lovely and fun. Nicely done - both you and Mom.

Adam Petersen
09-17-2013, 7:57 PM
Nicely done Don. I feel the same way and have made a vanity for my daughter that was painted white. I normally dislike painting things but when it was done and in the room it was perfect. I'm sure it's the same with this.

Jim Matthews
09-17-2013, 8:02 PM
I like painted wood.

Some of the nicest pieces people actively use are painted.
This is a particularly fine example.


Don Dorn
09-17-2013, 8:21 PM
Thank you - I appreciate it. I 'm not a big fan of painting, but once I saw it done and that the girls were anxious to get it in their room, I morphed into a fan of painting for certain things.

Max Withers
09-18-2013, 12:07 AM
Wow, I'm impressed by your speed. I'm still working on a bookcase I started in May!

Jim Koepke
09-18-2013, 2:16 AM

Looks like a great treat for the girls. Hopefully some day their children will hear about the great friend that built if for them.

I'm still working on a bookcase I started in May!

I am still working on some drawers for my tool shelves that started out as book shelves about 20 years ago!

Sounds like a thread idea, Longest Running Unfinished Project...


Chris Griggs
09-18-2013, 5:56 AM
I could never have gotten then done in just three days! Nice work! I like painted wood too. Good job...fun little project I bet.

Matthew N. Masail
09-18-2013, 7:04 AM
That'a awesome! "mom" did a good job!

Hilton Ralphs
09-18-2013, 8:10 AM
Firstly, congrats on a great job you did there.

I don't know what you're doing for knobs on the bottom doors but look at these interesting offerings from Lee Valley.






Don Dorn
09-18-2013, 4:52 PM

I forwarded your photo to the girls Mom as ideas. Apparently, she moves quickly and told my wife she has already found and installed pink colored glass knobs. I'm told the minute she turned it over to the girls, they loaded it up and it's full use.