View Full Version : Hannah Cabinet (photo gallery)

John Crawford
09-16-2013, 9:21 PM
Perhaps a cabinet with 140 drawers isn't your style, but still this is some amazing work, and interesting viewing:



Tony Shea
09-16-2013, 9:37 PM
Oh my! That is one of the most impressive pieces I've ever seen. Thanks for posting.

Even if that's not your style of furniture (which it certainly isn't mine) you have to be in awe of this kind of craftsmanship and patience. Putting a finish on this piece must've been a nightmare.

Matt Ranum
09-16-2013, 10:40 PM
All I can say is.....Wow.:)

Brian Myers
09-16-2013, 11:11 PM
Could someone please pick my jaw up off the floor? It's not my cup of tea but I still love it . I wish I had the attention span to even work up the concept for something like that.

Chris Griggs
09-17-2013, 6:07 AM

Jim Koepke
09-17-2013, 11:50 AM
What can I say, everyone else has used up all the WOW!s.


Mike Henderson
09-17-2013, 12:13 PM
The marquetry is great - he's a real master - but the overall style of the furniture is not to my taste.


Mel Fulks
09-17-2013, 12:51 PM
I agree with Mike. The weakest design feature to my eye is that apron .The center segment is stretched out so wide that it is nearly flat, that gives a mixed dominance with the flanking more correct non flat segments. A high standard of workmanship makes a flaw out of what would be charming on a country piece. But tastes change and overall it's quite an accomplishment .

Frederick Skelly
09-17-2013, 8:53 PM
Not my style either, but I sure admire his work. What skill - and patience - 6 YEARS!

Chris Parks
09-18-2013, 10:53 AM
I am off to Bungendore to have a look at this, it's only a couple of hours away.

Zach Dillinger
09-18-2013, 11:07 AM
Holy smokes. I can't even imagine needed 140 drawers. Not even for my tools!

Chris Hachet
09-18-2013, 2:00 PM
All I can say is.....Wow.:)Ditto....I love it even though it isn't exactly furniture that I would want to live with.

Stu Gillard
09-18-2013, 7:54 PM
I am off to Bungendore to have a look at this, it's only a couple of hours away.

I'm only about 20 mins away from Bungendore. I'm heading out this weekend.

Frederick Skelly
09-18-2013, 8:03 PM
@Chris Parks & Stu Gillard. Chris, Stu, if you go visit, can you come back and post a note on what you saw? Howd it look in person, why so many drawers, howd he contruct it, etc. (You just know the media guys wont look at it the way a Woodworker will.) Id sure be interested and Ill bet some others would too.

Don Dorn
09-18-2013, 8:12 PM
The first thing I thought when viewing this level of work was H.O. Studley. While it doesn't precisely hold certain things, I have an idea that even he would approve of this work.

Jim Belair
09-18-2013, 8:18 PM
Very impressive workmanship. I'd also like to hear back from the guys in Oz after they've seen it in person.

I'd like to see his tool cabinet.