View Full Version : Looking for FWW article on mini workbench

Bill Bukovec
09-15-2013, 9:53 PM
I'm looking for an article that Fine Woodworking did on a mini workbench. The bench set on a regular workbench and its purpose was to bring the work piece up about 16 inches. As a result, you aren't hunched over when chiseling or other hand work. I thought FWW did an article a while back, but I don't know what issue. Does anyone know what issue this article was in? Thanks Bill

Ken Fitzgerald
09-15-2013, 10:14 PM

It's in March/April 2005.

Jim Matthews
09-16-2013, 7:22 AM
I think you're talking about another one of Jeff Miller's excellent designs.

It uses two veneer press screws to operate a Moxxon style chop, out front.

I've adapted a Patternmaker's vise, which rotates to put the long end of the vise 10" above my benchtop to do the same thing.

If it was me, I would just buy the Sjoberg version shown in the article above and put a taller base under it.
It's being sold for just about our cost for materials, and it's ready to use!

Jay Radke
09-16-2013, 9:42 AM
it was also in this years fww workbenches special issue mag. if you search fww.com for jeff miller you will find a video too.

i downloaded the pdf as well. send me a note with your email addy.

Steve Baumgartner
09-16-2013, 8:15 PM
You could also check out benchcrafted.com for their Moxon vise hardware and benchtop-bench plans.