View Full Version : Dr Woodshop Products

wes murphy
09-14-2013, 7:57 PM
For anyone who has used the Dr Woodshop products, specifically Pens Plus, is this a durable finish? I'm looking for a good alternative finish to CA. i know it shine like a new penny, but so does Mylands and its not very durable.


Reed Gray
09-15-2013, 11:07 AM
I have used his bowl finish for about 2 years now, and it is my preference. I have seen him demo his pen and 'hard' finishes (ones that are intended to put up with a lot of handling), and they look pretty good and durable. He did explain why everything worked, and it made sense, but I can't remember enough to explain it to you. If I made that type of stuff, I would for sure try it. I didn't like the Mylands much. Part of why his product is easier to use is what he does to the carnuba wax before he puts it in the mix. Chemist stuff.

robo hippy

Tony Rozendaal
09-15-2013, 8:07 PM
I have used his bowl finish for about 2 years now, and it is my preference.

robo hippy

Reed, could you be more specific, is the straight walnut oil or one of the ones with wax mixed in? Thanks.

Reed Gray
09-15-2013, 8:12 PM
I believe all of his oil products have carnuba wax in them. His 'microagregated' wax basically melts and flows at much lower temps than regular carnuba.

http://www.doctorswoodshop.com (http://www.doctorswoodshop.com/)

robo hippy