View Full Version : Message Attachments

Bob Tate
05-30-2005, 4:09 PM
Hi, it seems like the past week or so, attachments to messages have a little red x in a box and are not downloadable. I think the only ones I have noticed are Corel Draw ,CDR files. These are primarily from the Laser Woodworking Forum.

Have I done something to change this download feature or has there been some change in the Forum software?

I know this happened a few months ago at rcgroups.com and it turned out that a recent software upgrade changed the feature affecting .ZIP files.

I am not sure if it is me and my computer or what.


Bob Tate

Lee DeRaud
05-30-2005, 5:09 PM
Hi, it seems like the past week or so, attachments to messages have a little red x in a box and are not downloadable. I think the only ones I have noticed are Corel Draw ,CDR files. These are primarily from the Laser Woodworking Forum.

Have I done something to change this download feature or has there been some change in the Forum software?

I know this happened a few months ago at rcgroups.com and it turned out that a recent software upgrade changed the feature affecting .ZIP files.

I am not sure if it is me and my computer or what.Dunno what's actually causing it but the good news is, no, it's not just you, and the bad news is, no, it's not everybody. I just went back and looked at a couple of .cdr attachments I posted: still there, still visible/downloadable. But I got email from somebody saying they couldn't get to...oh wait, never mind, that was you. Ok, maybe it is just you!:p

What OS/browser you using? (XP/IE6 works, at least for me.) Any updates installed lately?

Bob Tate
05-30-2005, 5:13 PM
Hi, XP/IE6/No changes for quite a while. I even tried Firefox, no go.

I can't figure it out. I disabled everything that was running. No luck.


Lee DeRaud
05-30-2005, 5:44 PM
Hi, XP/IE6/No changes for quite a while. I even tried Firefox, no go.

I can't figure it out. I disabled everything that was running. No luck.

BobDid the security settings in IE get diddled? If the security setting gets set to 'high', it disables downloads.

Bob Tate
05-30-2005, 6:26 PM
Hi, I turned the security all the way down and problem persists. It is in fact only affecting .CDR files. The ZIP attachments are downloading fine. Perplexing!