View Full Version : windshake limbs/lumber

Harvey M. Taylor
09-12-2013, 3:16 PM
The jury is in,in the case of windshake lumber/limbs.And the verdict is:glue a glueblock on the bottom of the suspect and turn it into a foot. chuck it in the chuck paralell to the ways and hollow it out completely into the foot to eliminate any separation.Put a nice form and finish on the outside with a nice lid. Donate it to the Beads of Courage movement to be given to children stricken with serious illnesses or bad burns.The wood will receive permanent parole, as having been rehabilitated completely as a useful member of society. "up from the ashes" Max T.

alex grams
09-12-2013, 3:41 PM
I kind of get where you are going, but do you have any pictures to clarify?

Harvey M. Taylor
09-12-2013, 4:05 PM
Alex, sent you a private message/ MaxT.

Scott Hackler
09-12-2013, 5:39 PM
Thanks for donating to the Beads of Courage program Max. It is one of my favorite charities and I look forward to making a special piece for the program every year I attend SWAT. I too would like to see what you came up with.

Harry Robinette
09-12-2013, 7:42 PM
That's an excellent thing to do, I'm trying to do one for Cincinnati symposium they collect there every symposium like SWAT.
But all that said, "we need pictures".

Tom Wilson66
09-12-2013, 11:13 PM
NO picture, didn't happen.

Harvey M. Taylor
09-13-2013, 1:47 AM
Hope I havent opened a can of worms about windshake and mesquite wood. As I understand your responses, you want a picture of a "beads of Courage" hollowform I have turned. Will do, but it will take some time, as I am illiterate about posting pics, and will have to email a pic to Steve Schlump and ask him to post it for me. Some of those hollowforms need to be quite large, as some of the children have had several procedures done on them. some, as many as 100 and even more. The one I have here will hold about 30 or so.
Yes,Scott, it is mine also. I have a granddaughter 46 yrs. old, and hasnt taken 10 steps in her whole life due to birth defects. She has a steel rod wired to her backbone to keep her from falling out of the wheelchair.Picture coming up asap. MaxT.