View Full Version : My first dye-job

Lee Koepke
09-12-2013, 2:37 PM
I havent posted stuff in awhile - busy life stuff...anyway - Being bored a few months ago with a punky piece of maple headed to the fire pit, I figured I'd try some of what I read here.

I soaked the punky parts in watered down glue to stabilize the bad side then it turned fuzzy while sanding so I used some shellac to help me smooth it out. Since half the bowl had nice curls/stripes/features and the other half was dead, i tried dying.

Base coated with RIT black dye, sanded back then worked in several (too many actually) coats of blue transtint. I should have stopped earlier, but I had to go too far once to know better, might as well be on this piece. Anyway, here it is - photos are from my phone and its taken on display at my wifes store. Maybe it sells???? who knows. Thanks for humoring me, comments appreciated critiques are encouraged!:D


Steve Doerr
09-12-2013, 3:06 PM
Lee, I think it turned out well. Even with these pictures you can see the curls in the grain. Why do you say that you should have not put as many blue coats of dye on as you did? Question--does the inside lip curve follow the outside lip curve? The reason I ask is in the pictures it looks like they do not.

Lee Koepke
09-12-2013, 3:50 PM
As far as the dye goes, I am more of a fan of natural wood. If the right half had any interest in it, I would have let more of the natural look peek thru the color.

The lip 'sorta' follows the curve. It got a little flat at the top and I just tried to let it fall back into the bowl.

Bob Bergstrom
09-12-2013, 5:16 PM
I use fine steel wool to erase the top dye and expose portions of the natural wood. Bowl looks great. I like dying soft maples and box elder.