View Full Version : It's easier to ask forgiveness than permission.

Malcolm Schweizer
09-05-2013, 6:41 PM
I bought a used drill press on Craigslist, and didn't really know how to tell my wife. Well she came home early and the following text messages ensued (see photo). I should explain that her and her mother months earlier decided to turn my beloved pool table into a diaper changing station. I commented then, "I guess it's easier to ask forgiveness than permission!"

Jim Matthews
09-05-2013, 6:47 PM
They can put holes in the pool table for drainage, with the new drill press.

It can also double as a doorstop, or flower stand.
Let me guess, SWMBO only has one pair of shoes, and a flannel dress for all events?

Malcolm Schweizer
09-05-2013, 7:18 PM
(1.) Don't give her any ideas!

(2.) I can't complain. She is pretty frugal on clothes. I married a good one for sure. :-)

Dan Hintz
09-05-2013, 7:44 PM
I bought a used drill press on Craigslist, and didn't really know how to tell my wife. Well she came home early and the following text messages ensued (see photo). I should explain that her and her mother months earlier decided to turn my beloved pool table into a diaper changing station. I commented then, "I guess it's easier to ask forgiveness than permission!"

My Amy has been very understanding, too (maybe it's the name?). She came home one day, walked into the basement, looked to the side and saw a huge cutout in the doorway so I could get my CNC machine through to the workshop... never said a word, just shook her head and walked back upstairs.

Michael Dunn
09-05-2013, 7:57 PM
LOL!!! My wife has been most understanding this year with the purchases I've made.

Delta 34-444 w/extras
8" Bridgewood jointer
Rikon 10-340
Werner 22' ladder w/2scaffold bases ($80 on CL!!!)
Router bits (after throwing all of my old ones out on accident!!!)

Those were the ones I 'asked permission" for...

The others...

Festool RS-2
Festool Systainers
Festool caster carts
Festool Domino
Festool Parallel Guides
Festool Guide Rails 55", and 32"
Laser levels
Bosch 4100

Probably much more. So far, everything has been used on every job, except the Domino as I just received it and am about to use it for the first time. Now I'm close to getting a shop and she is quite excited, surprisingly.

Michael Dunn
09-05-2013, 8:01 PM
My Amy has been very understanding, too (maybe it's the name?). She came home one day, walked into the basement, looked to the side and saw a huge cutout in the doorway so I could get my CNC machine through to the workshop... never said a word, just shook her head and walked back upstairs.

LOL!!! THAT is AWESOME!!! A cutout in the doorway!?! I love her reaction. Mind if I ask what you paid for the CAMaster CNC?

I've had my eyes on this...





Len (@ Probotix) is a GREAT guy. He helped me so much 4+ years ago when I first put my CNC Micro Mill together. Great stuff at GREAT prices!!!

James Conrad
09-05-2013, 8:27 PM
Never a problem with tools. The boat that followed my truck home and the 1959 Bugeye on the other hand, took some splaining...

Dan Hintz
09-05-2013, 8:35 PM
LOL!!! THAT is AWESOME!!! A cutout in the doorway!?! I love her reaction. Mind if I ask what you paid for the CAMaster CNC?

See here...


Myk Rian
09-05-2013, 9:28 PM
You guys have it all wrong. We always discuss purchases beforehand.
Much easier than explaining or begging for forgiveness. It's worked for 45 years.

Will Boulware
09-06-2013, 1:16 PM
Explain on the front end? Shoot, I usually put her in the truck so she can help load stuff! :D What's hard is hiding boxes from that tool guy who sends me emails, as she gets home before I do...

Alden Miller
09-06-2013, 1:27 PM
My favorite tool purchase involving my wife ahead of time was when she convinced me (I was on the fence) to buy a W&H Molder/Planer. Love the tool, love my wife, and we still laugh about her convincing me to drop a chunk of change on a woodworking tool.


Jeff Monson
09-06-2013, 1:38 PM
See here...


Thanks for reminding us Dan, I had just about forgotten how bad you suck! A cnc is on my major want list, the tool fairy nor the luck of winning one have yet to come forward.

John Schweikert
09-06-2013, 4:19 PM
My wife buys shoes and purses, I buy tools, nuff said. I don't judge her and she doesn't judge me.

The big issue is I am truly running out of space to fit anything else, my garden shed is 8x14 and packed and my bow roof shed is 12x24 and with tools at the edges and a boat forming in the middle, I am out of space.

She can keep finding space for shoes and purses though.

Paul Wunder
09-06-2013, 7:26 PM
Do you have a blanket and pillow large enough for sleeping on the pool table?

I have been fortunate. My wife knows the joy that I receive from woodworking and really has been supportive. However, I do talk with her in advance.

Ellen Benkin
09-07-2013, 8:39 AM
Thank goodness some of you actually talk to your spouses and don't feel it necessary to hide purchases from them.

Jerry Toschlog
09-07-2013, 9:48 AM
Her reply: "Oh honey I did you a favor, your beloved pool table was not getting much use. I just turned it into a craps table!"

Michael Dunn
09-08-2013, 1:50 PM
See here...


Are you crapping me!?!? You WON it?!?! Wow!!! That's insane!!! Three years ago, but congratulations!!!

I think I may get the one from probotix. Eventually.

I desperately NEED a SCMS though.

Brian Holcombe
09-08-2013, 2:21 PM
Hah! She has a good sense of humor.

Malcolm Schweizer
09-09-2013, 6:22 PM
Her reply: "Oh honey I did you a favor, your beloved pool table was not getting much use. I just turned it into a craps table!"

That is hilarious! I needed a good laugh.