View Full Version : How is SASSAFRAS to turn?

Dale Winburn
08-30-2013, 12:30 PM
I have access to a SASSAFRAS tree that has blown down. How does it turn and what kind of grain does it have?

Thanks for the info,

Daniel Gross
08-30-2013, 12:46 PM
Very pretty wood, I did some pens out of it a while back.
Turned nicely and smelled good to.

Dale Miner
08-30-2013, 12:49 PM
Turns wells, smells great. The frangrance can be a bit much for some. The sap from fresh wood if it remains on my skin for an extended period will cause an ivy type rash.

The wood is moderately hard. Heavy sanding can cause scalloping from the early wood/late wood hardness difference. The wood is a light tan to medium brown, with a ring pourous grain.

Dan Jechura
08-30-2013, 1:33 PM
I turn it all the time and love it.

Roger Chandler
08-30-2013, 3:08 PM
Dale, I have turned about 3 pieces........I still have a couple of pieces in my shop. It has grain that reminds me a little of American elm.......the light and dark streaks.......pretty but not as pronounced as Chinese elm. My pieces of sassafras came from Mike Cruz........one of the blanks has now cracked, but it was fairly green wood, and it has been inside my shop the whole time since I got it last year.

It turns great and does have a pungent, but pleasing aroma.

Jamie Donaldson
08-30-2013, 7:36 PM
Think of root beer flavored pine!

Harry Robinette
08-30-2013, 7:38 PM
269695 Dale, the bowl on my Vega is roughly 22" of sassafras.I really like it,Dale M. is right about the smell I love it but the wife doesn't .

Frank Pearsall
08-31-2013, 12:01 AM
Turning wet, it seems hard. When drying It doesn't change shape nearly as much as cherry. Haven't had a piece crack yet. Once dry, it just takes a gentle touch to shape the bowl. Go easy on the sanding; a little goes a long way.

Bernie Weishapl
08-31-2013, 9:53 AM
Great wood to turn wet or dry. Makes the shop smell good. Don't get heavy hand when sanding.

Dale Winburn
08-31-2013, 12:17 PM
Thanks for the info everyone.
