View Full Version : Spiral Dream

Bill Wyko
08-29-2013, 5:03 PM
Hi everyone, I'm ba,ack! I was informed about another Baileigh contest with a twist. Everyone had to use the same list of materials. One of the things on the list was 6bf of wood of my choosing. I decided on Bubinga. I also posted the project on WOW and to my surprise, I won the cover today. The vessel stands 16-1/2" tall & 5" wide. The vessel has 12 spirals, the lid has 6 and the finial has 4. This was an insane build and was so much fun. At the thinnest point on the bottom, the spirals are 1/16" thick. I think I held my breath through 1/2 of this project. Anyway, please enjoy.

Mike Golka
08-29-2013, 5:49 PM
Wow!! I can see why you made the cover Bill. This piece is exceptional.

Ken Fitzgerald
08-29-2013, 5:53 PM
Enjoy I am! What an incredible piece!

Some people are artists and the rest of us waste our money buying tools..... Nicely done Bill!

Mel Fulks
08-29-2013, 6:07 PM
That's impossible ! But you did it anyway. Nice.

Bill Wyko
08-29-2013, 6:19 PM
I'm just the guy that takes off the sawdust, my fellow woodworkers are my inspiration, so my hats off to all of you.:D

David C. Roseman
08-29-2013, 6:39 PM
Amazing, Bill. :eek: Congratulations on the WoW cover, too. Work like this, and by other members of this board, constantly reminds me of how far I have to go.


Roger Chandler
08-29-2013, 7:45 PM
Hubba hubba! :D Congrats on the WoW cover today, Bill.......glad to see you post again!

Allan Ferguson
08-29-2013, 7:46 PM
Just out standing. I would likely be a stressed out wreak working something like that. Allan

Bill Wyko
08-29-2013, 8:13 PM
I just realized, my wife works tonight & this thing is done!!! I get a night off!!! Woo hoo. I'll be cleaning the shop this weekend. I probably have 2 days of cleaning after the back to back to back builds I've been on. 1st the Baileigh box contest, then another box which I will post tomorrow, and then this piece. Now I have 3 more boxes to build, an over head cabinet/tv console for a motor home, a Dalek robot, (for you Dr Who fans) finish my cabinet humidor and run my stereo/woodworking business. Never too busy,......just under staffed.

Richard Madden
08-29-2013, 9:12 PM
Beautiful work, Bill. Superb!!;)

Tom Hamilton D'ville, GA
08-29-2013, 9:15 PM
Bill that is a wonderful piece. The superlatives could go on for several paragraphs, but I'll spare you and simply say, thanks for sharing.

Mike Cruz
08-29-2013, 9:24 PM
Bill, someday, when you start to pay more attention to detail and take this turning and carving thing more seriously, you'll begin to create some really nice pieces. For now, your mediocre works are sufficient... :rolleyes: Do you have any fingernails left!?!?!??!

Bill Wyko
08-29-2013, 9:46 PM
LOL, I do have nails but my finger tips are killing me from sanding. I probably have 10 hours of sanding in total in this thing. Bubinga is hard as nails.

Tom Giacomo
08-29-2013, 11:58 PM
Quite a beautiful piece, I wondered why bubinga ? Was this a solid piece or a stave or segmented glue up ? I don't think my nerves could handle a project like this, terrific workmanship, congratulations on your cover win.

Bill Wyko
08-30-2013, 12:56 AM
Thanks Tom. I found using a very hard wood makes it easier for me to get real thin spirals, plus I just really like the wood. It actually started as 3 8/4 blocks glued together. Now that it's done, I can't find where the seams are. I used 1/4 saw material with a tight grain so I think that helped disguise the seams.

Mike Cruz
08-30-2013, 6:32 AM
Oh, I looked closely, Bill. I saw all the glue lines immediately. That was actually my first thought... "He could have done a better job on the glue lines." :D

Not only could most people not SEE your glue lines, but most people wouldn't be able to find them with the piece in hand...searching.

charlie knighton
08-30-2013, 7:31 PM
congratulations , Bill

Bernie Weishapl
08-31-2013, 9:55 AM
Bill that is beautiful. Wow I like it.

Bill White
08-31-2013, 10:38 AM
I can't EVEN imagine how you did that.

Bill Wyko
09-01-2013, 2:17 AM
When I started the project, I was going to turn a segmented, plywood vessel with a bubinga feature ring. I honestly don't know how I ended up here. I actually made the finial first, then made the goblet. I tried a higher curve for the lid & it just didn't work. I think by doing the lid last, it gave me a better perspective on my proportions. Going to have to keep that in mind for the next one.

Hey Bernie, good to hear from you, thanks my friend.

Jim Burr
09-01-2013, 5:08 PM
Hey!! Glad you're back and with a piece that is just crazy!! I expected a segment, but this gets it done...over the top done!!! Sorry the "Big" names didn't chime in...very worthy piece and bound for a gallery!

Bill Wyko
09-01-2013, 5:16 PM
Hey Jim, sorry for my absence, my father fell & I had to help him for a while, he's doing great now though. I tried to get a piece in a gallery a little while ago, the lady was a snob and snubbed me. She said "I already have a woodturner in my gallery, I have no need for another one" I send her pics once in a while for the fun of it.

Steve Vaughan
09-01-2013, 6:38 PM
That is one outstanding piece right there! Thanks for sharing the photos cause I'm not sure I coulda believed it if you'd just told us about it. And congrats on the cover! Definitely deserved!

Kathy Marshall
09-02-2013, 7:38 PM
Very nice Bill! Congrats on the Wow cover too!

Bill Wyko
09-03-2013, 12:33 AM
Thanks Kathy, I hope to make it to Phoenix in 2014 & bring this piece. Hope to see you there.

Bill Wyko
09-03-2013, 12:52 PM
Holding my breath, the winner should be announced any time now.

Bill Wyko
09-03-2013, 2:15 PM
I won the contest Baileigh put on. I chose a down draft table and a canister filter. It's hard to choose when there are so many great tools to choose from.

Scott Hackler
09-03-2013, 4:51 PM
Congrats Bill. I have looked at this piece several times and just realized I never commented! It is a very cool piece and a showcase for your exceptional craftsmanship.

If you keep winning the Baileighs contests, they are going to put you on the payroll!

Thom Sturgill
09-03-2013, 6:30 PM
That pice is insane - no wonder you held your breath so much! Congrats on the Baileigh contest. Please do post the Dalek (another whovian here, I built a TARDIS (http://www.thomjoy.us/TARDIS/) DVD shelf), should be some turning involved.

Bill Wyko
09-04-2013, 2:27 AM
Thanks Scott, you say that like it would be a bad thing. LOL And Scott......it's thin enough.:eek:

you bet Thom, I'll post it once they give me the ok. It gets unveiled at the CES show in Las Vegas in January. I'll try to do my best to document the build.

Bill Wyko
09-04-2013, 2:40 AM
Enjoy I am! What an incredible piece!

Some people are artists and the rest of us waste our money buying tools..... Nicely done Bill!

Ken, you & Steve have been around my work since day one back in 2005 I believe. Thanks for your influence & compliments & the Holley you sent me way back when.

Marc Himes
09-04-2013, 8:19 AM
Simply amazing! I can just imagine the great feeling you had when it was finally done. Congratulations on the awards. They are certainly well deserved. Thanks for sharing it and inspiring us.

Greg Ketell
09-04-2013, 2:48 PM
That is Beautiful!!

Bill Wyko
09-05-2013, 3:51 PM
Well, I decided to order the Baileigh SD 174 drum sander for my prize. http://wood.baileighindustrial.com/drum-sander-sd-174 We're doing more & more cabinet & flat work here so It's my best choice to keep things running smoothly (pardon the pun) I'm always having to take work home to use my Drum sander there. Now I'll be able to keep right on moving with my projects.

Bill Wyko
10-04-2013, 4:29 PM
I know this is old news but I got some new photo stuff and tried taking some better pics. You photo guys let me know how bad it is if you don't mind.

Mike Cruz
10-04-2013, 4:38 PM
I wouldn't call myself a "photo guy" (though I do rag on Keller when he submits blurry pics...), but I'd say this is nice and clear! My only suggestion would be to do something about the shadows. In particular, the one to the left of the finial. That somehow distracts my eye. Though, the rest do not...

Josh Bowman
10-04-2013, 11:03 PM
Bill, I just got done with a Stuart Mortimer symposium and came home inspired. Tonight I hacked off a piece of maple and started carving and shaping. I got it all hollowed out and then I found your's here on SMC! I think I'll just put mine in the burn pile:eek:. That is some fantastic work! Just getting as far as I've got mine, I really understand the work in these things. And I'm hacking away with a foredom and it's still lots of work.
oh and congrats on the contest, for sure you deserved it.

Bill Wyko
10-05-2013, 2:11 AM
Thanks Josh, I would be very interested in having a class with him. This is my first attempt with what I learned on the spiral finial tutorial here. I was trying every tool I have to clean up the spirals. PM me if I can ever be of help. The secret, keep removing material until you can see through the wood LOL.

Dave Cullen
10-05-2013, 9:13 AM
LOL, I do have nails but my finger tips are killing me from sanding. I probably have 10 hours of sanding in total in this thing. Bubinga is hard as nails.

I think Bubinga is African for, "OMG that's hard wood!"

That's an incredible piece. Thanks very much for sharing.

Bill Wyko
10-05-2013, 4:18 PM
My pleasure Dave, Josh, your in box is full, PM me when you have it cleared out, I have a solution for you.

Jim Burr
10-05-2013, 7:42 PM
That just rocks Bill!! Surprised that one of the more popular crowd didn't announce the Wow cover as they do for more famous posters...you deserve it!!

Ken Glass
10-05-2013, 8:47 PM
All the finger pain was worth it in my opinion. Of, I don't have the pain, you do. Seriously Bill, an exceptional piece. WOW made the right choice. Very well done. Thanks for sharing it.

Gus Dundon
10-08-2013, 5:02 PM
That is a very intricate work! You did a great work!