View Full Version : Old Oliver Lathe

Trevor Howard
08-26-2013, 12:22 PM
Hi, I have a friend who asked me to wire up an Old Oliver Lathe. Researching it appears to be a model 51, I am not sure. He has another one which I wired up to be used on an Inverter. It was wired like either Fig 10 or 12 in the attached JPEG. On the first one I was able to ohm out the windings and figure which way it was wired. On this second one the Ohm readings I got are not making sense (see attached PDF)
I am an industrial Electrician for 20 years, but have never came across a motor like this. Can anyone offer assistance or point me to the right infomation.
This will be wired directly to the inverter by passing the contactor and speed Switch.

Thank you for any assistance

Chris Buckman
08-26-2013, 4:07 PM
Go to www.owwm.org (http://www.owwm.org) and visit the "Everything Electrical" forum and perform a search. The member Ray Muno knows the wiring of the old Oliver lathes inside and out.

Trevor Howard
08-27-2013, 12:09 PM
Thanks for the reply Chris. I just signed up there this morning and I am awaiting my account to be activated.

Chris Buckman
09-06-2013, 11:24 AM
Looks like Ray was able to reply to your post on the OWWM site. How did it go?

Trevor Howard
09-06-2013, 11:44 AM
Yes, I saw Rays post, I was still a little confused. Contacted a local motor re-wind store who gave me "the wiring" connections, but they did not work.
Got frustrated and wired it up the same as the first one, I did for my friend and it worked. DOH!
Wished I done that it the first place.

For reference, this was a Model 25A Oliver Lathe, the wiring that worked was
Lower winding numbers 1-7 all left open (no connection)
Upper Windings 11 wire to T1 from inverter, 12 wire to T2 from the inverter and 13 wire to T3 from the inverter. Connect wires 14,15,16 & 17 all together.