View Full Version : Creeker's Weekend Accomplishments

Dennis Peacock
08-26-2013, 8:40 AM
26 Aug 2013

Good Morning Everyone,
August has come back to us in the way of hot and humid. The cool days we had made me long for the coming fall season. I am thankful for our new A/C unit and new windows in the house. This has made a huge difference in our comfort and it has lowered our monthly utility bill. Yes.!!!

Besides the blanket/hope chest that the LOML Jr. wants me to make her, the LOML has given me an order to make a simple computer desk to go in our great room to resolve the issue we have where we have 3 desktop computers scattered about the room (1 that each of my sons built for themselves, so that's 2 desktops, and then my desktop that I finally got up and running. Needless to say that my fall woodworking schedule is going to be spent making a couple of things that the ladies of the family have ordered.

Took a motorcycle ride with my daughter, son-in-law, and both of my sons yesterday morning. I wasn't scheduled to play bass guitar at church so I took the opportunity to spend the morning with my kids that are local to me and share life truth's with them, encourage them, compliment them, and provide guidance to them for their coming future. I try to always find ways to love on them when I can. Yesterday was no exception.

I go oncall this morning for the day job, so this week will be different than the free time I had last week from work activities.

That's it for me....so what did YOU do this past weekend?

Best of weeks to you all.

Matt Meiser
08-26-2013, 9:17 AM
Daughter started school at her new school this morning so she had a party with friends from her old school Saturday. Friday and Saturday morning were prep for that. One of my prep things was mowing. I was in a hurry and promptly slid down a slightly wet ditch bank with the ZTR and had to waste 30 minutes pulling it out with the tractor. Sunday was school open house right in the middle of the day, but I did get a couple hours out in the shop jointing and planing a stack of cherry to make face frames and door parts. Planned to get back out to that after dinner but daughter put on her school uniform and the shoes we bought her 2 weeks ago were too tight. Don't think they were 2 weeks ago. Thank goodness for 24hour hypermarkets! We weren't the only one...one of LOML's friends posted on Facebook that she was desperately trying to find uniform shorts for one of her sons which she somehow marked off her list as purchased but didn't. No big Labor Day weekend plans (we all get/are taking a 4 day weekend) other than that we have a high schooler coming to help with some yard work Saturday so I'm hoping to make good progress on the current cabinet project.

Shawn Pixley
08-26-2013, 10:31 AM
Cleaned and organized garage. Worked Sunday until 2. Installed one of the butterflies on a slab that will become a bench.