View Full Version : Finished the rocking chairs

Kyle Stiefel
05-26-2005, 10:46 PM

Here are a couple of pics of the rockers I just put a coat of DO on a few hours ago. It has been a 3 month project to make these for my mother and fiance. They are of walnut, ash, and ebony plugs. Based primarily on the Hal Taylor chair with some Maloof characteristics. Here are a couple of pics of where I started and where I ended up today.

Once again thanks to all on this board it is truly a pleasure to know I can sit down and learn something knew from all you knowledgable folks.

Von Bickley
05-26-2005, 10:53 PM
Great looking chairs. Thanks for posting the pictures... ;) ;) ;)

John Hart
05-26-2005, 10:56 PM
Wow! Kyle, those are beautiful!! Your attention to detail is exquisite. Definitely a chair that I would be comfortable in. I love your choice of wood too.

Bruce Page
05-26-2005, 11:06 PM
Exquisite work! Thanks for the pictures.

Dennis McDonaugh
05-26-2005, 11:27 PM
Beautiful chairs Kyle. I like your helper too.

Alan Tolchinsky
05-26-2005, 11:34 PM
You did a first class job on those rockers. Just think of all the pleasure they will give over the years. Did you sign them anywhere?

Don Baer
05-26-2005, 11:42 PM
Since I am blessed with living within 3 mile of Sam Maloff I have the privilige of seen some of his work. I can definatly see his influence in your style. Very nice !! Sam would be proud that you have seen fit to use some of his style.

Kyle Stiefel
05-26-2005, 11:51 PM
Did you sign them anywhere?


I named, dated, signed and branded them under the middle of the seat. My mother is actually coming to visit for the first time up to Alaska tonight so it will be my surprise for her. Nothing like finishing a project at the deadline.

Dan Forman
05-27-2005, 12:28 AM
Real beauties, and look like they are built to last!


Kirk (KC) Constable
05-27-2005, 12:49 AM
Very nice...I like the sapwood in the middle of the seat. :)

I got Hal's plans several weeks ago, and will start on one myself in the next couple months.


Alan Turner
05-27-2005, 4:46 AM
Nice work. Could you describe how you scooped the seats? Tools, techniques, etc?

Christian Aufreiter
05-27-2005, 6:03 AM
WOW! Truly impressive craftsmanship!

And cool shoes :cool: :D ;) :D .



Bryan Nuss
05-27-2005, 6:51 AM
Georgeous chairs, Kyle! Beautiful wood selection and joinery.

Joe Unni
05-27-2005, 7:18 AM
Just beautiful!!


Richard Wolf
05-27-2005, 8:09 AM
Kyle, Great looking chairs. I also purchased Hal's plans a couple of months ago and have purchased some 9/4 walnut to build a chair. You were smart to build two at a time, I should have thought of doing that also. I have read the instruction book, but how did you find it while building the chairs? Was everything in the correct order? Any suggestions?
Just as a side note, I don't think Sam Maloof is very happy about people copying his design, like anyone is ever going to push into his market or customer base.


P.S. I love the dog!

Jeff Sudmeier
05-27-2005, 8:21 AM
Wow, they both look amazing! Award winning for sure.

Ken Fitzgerald
05-27-2005, 8:28 AM
Kyle....beautiful chairs! Great attention to detail, joinery and finish!

Sam Blasco
05-27-2005, 8:36 AM
Bookmatching, joinery, design -- you covered all the bases, and obviously had some fun along the way, too!

Mike Ramsey
05-27-2005, 8:53 AM
One Word "Beautiful!!"

Kyle Stiefel
05-27-2005, 12:07 PM
Nice work. Could you describe how you scooped the seats? Tools, techniques, etc?


Here is a picture of what I used primarily which you can find at WC, LV or any of those guys. I then followed by 36grit on the RAG, ROS, and just sanding until the fingers were done. The steel grinding wheel chews through quite rapidly.


Kyle Stiefel
05-27-2005, 12:17 PM
I also purchased Hal's plans a couple of months ago and have purchased some 9/4 walnut to build a chair. You were smart to build two at a time, I should have thought of doing that also. I have read the instruction book, but how did you find it while building the chairs? Was everything in the correct order? Any suggestions?
Just as a side note, I don't think Sam Maloof is very happy about people copying his design, like anyone is ever going to push into his market or customer base.



I found the plans were excellent and learned quite a few things along the way. I started with 12/4 simply because I have to ship everything up on the barge and my supplier in Seattle didn't have 9/4. Even so I found the only things you really need a true 9/4 for is the seat and rear legs. The other stuff would work with 8/4 in my opinion (I was trying to get 9/4 before I started). The fronts legs were great to have 12/4 because I could just use one piece and keep the grain uniformity. I kind of jumped around doing different things depending on clamps I was using etc (limited number of them). I found making these first couple it will take a bit of time to make all the jigs but for the next one I will be set.

In design some things are just simply beautiful and Sam Maloof created that with the sway in his rockers. I don't think even if I was trying to sell a chair it would take away a sale from the masters shop like you said.

Have fun building,

chris toomey
05-27-2005, 4:30 PM
Holy Wow! NICE JOB!

Gilbert Vega
05-28-2005, 12:06 AM
Great looking rockers! I also plan to give this a try at some point.

I got Hal's plans several weeks ago, and will start on one myself in the next couple months.

Isn't there someone in the San Marcos area that also makes rockers and has classes in building the rockers. I believe that he uses Mesquite.

Christopher Pine
05-28-2005, 12:44 AM
Very nice!

Kirk (KC) Constable
05-28-2005, 1:02 AM
Gary Weeks is in Wimberly, but I don't think he gives classes, and his design is an original. He has an ouotstanding web site, by the way (garyweeks.com).

You may be talking about Robert Hensarling from Uvalde...he's taught a lot of folks how to build a Maloof style chair.


Gilbert Vega
05-30-2005, 11:57 PM
Gary Weeks is in Wimberly, but I don't think he gives classes, and his design is an original. He has an ouotstanding web site, by the way (garyweeks.com).

You may be talking about Robert Hensarling from Uvalde...he's taught a lot of folks how to build a Maloof style chair.

Thanks, I'll look at the website for class info.