View Full Version : Bessey UniKlamp Anybody Have Any? Please Rate...?

richard poitras
08-15-2013, 10:20 PM
http://www.sawmillcreek.org/image/jpeg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAkGBwgHBgkIBwgKCgkLDRYPDQwMDRsUFRAWIB0iIiAdHx 8kKDQsJCYxJx8fLT0tMTU3Ojo6Iys/RD84QzQ5OjcBCgoKDQwNGg8PGjclHyU3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nz c3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3N//AABEIAGQAZAMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAbAAABBQEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEAAIDBQYBB//EAD4QAAIBAwIDBAcHAQYHAAAAAAECAwAEEQUhEjFRBkFhcRMUI jJigaEzQnKRscHRkiNSY3Pi8BVDVIKTouH/xAAZAQEAAwEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACAQMEAAX/xAAmEQACAgIBAgUFAAAAAAAAAAAAAQIRAyESIjETQVFhcQQUI5 HR/9oADAMBAAIRAxEAPwDe8Q6j864ZV4tyKaeAbkDHlTgqZBCivGN 51pY1A4uL5KTTfWbcDeUL LIp7RKean86Y8UGwduHp7eK52SqGG4LHEBtnH bj9qljkfOJAo8iDXFS35DB tO9HDnGDnyqNkujuEO5Y/IVxuAcmHnS9DF1amerxgnhciuCMlYEFCRg NAyxW/I4o54d/Zlx IZH60LNDec4fVnGfvMV/Y0WWRYC9rbscgkHqD/FMNpzxctg/4h2qSWS ifheyjcdVm/01E08wJLWrLjo4NEt2L1YDb1kbdXNKozMx39Gw a/zSrjtkkes6HNcSWcWoRRXGSiCWEwcZ BmHCT flVZb6xe6DO0Ot llsS3s3qgq8OTsJFGdujDb9K1l3Z2V D63Zq5/v8ADwt Y3qpn7OTIh/4dc8Ue4EVym4z0cA7eBU Na4 F2Zjk8ndF7DFPLEs1vOZonHEjo6urDwOKTWtw/2iK344lNYWA6p2RuQ1tbGO3kbEljI39jIesTjIRvhPP6VqrLtd od7wD171OVzgR3WYva71yds Gc10sPnHaOjlfnph5haIcfqkQI/uxEfpXUm4Rvb4H4yv60arSKAQzMpGQc5yKkEjY5kVVxLOQB6yn fFjycGuemhPNJB8hRxYnnwnzFRsBn7GM9dqhp pFr0A2mh6sPND 1RGe2x9sB5gijvRR/8ATjHgSKieCE/8ph4hqNMVxAjPEdlubfyLAVBJI3JTG/4XFGvZ23WRfyqCSxgblKw80otMacQUu/fG39NcrraZETn06f0f/aVRTFcQ8Ox92UnzwalVXOCJUye6igGbmiGmm3jZvdA7tlq3iyn kRywtJC0VysUsTjBRgSD8qxuu9mZ7cvc2cZltyuGXh42UdwIvh 7w7j3VvFhjHIMPnUgQD3Wf86tg5Q2gSUZKmeTabaTwkLos7W8v vC3imEavvuVBBjb5qD1xVxH2t1PS5Fh1qzXizj 0BtHPlkmNj/3LWi1rswl4zT2OIrgniYE4WQ9dtw3xDehNM1VlD6Zr0ClEX2hO oyo LuK/ENuvDje1tT3WyrcPgKte1ekTFEuLmWxlfZUvF9GGPwt7rfImrd mRlBWUFTuCMb1kdc0fs/YTpBa3UunyXCcfo4PbjK574zsQfAVVQWd/p4Z9MfjiX3n0qTgx KBsp9M1S1D4NCx5OPKrRu5IIZDk7nwOP3pnqSZBWWcY7hKwFYi 77YXtvYSLJJavLnh9MIGili8WQkj5/SnWna24S1ieeCK84skEL6IleQPEMg8j3UvtpNWg LTp6No0Ld8sh6ZbP61GVkGyyEnoQKrdF1i21gukMN1A6Lk8RBU RHn0FWDQsMGOd LnzqicHB0xxkpK0xjC4B3K/8AjP8ANKmsLziOLtgP8sGlRHTDkiKsdl35nNTp6TGVRsdQ1ISt j3d/OnrJvuuB3YNXJIpbY4PIPuN8xXTIQPaH0p6yg/dOKcJFGeYqa9w2RC4HgPzoLVrK21WICYMsiHMc0bYeM9Qasy6H mR8xQmp3sGnadcXkkYdYULFU5mup oork6S2eYdrNHuTc2q3kqR jHo4p2UCKUE54WYfZn/13PLNdGhahYJDd2upNb5KgJqCcSIeZX0qfphcjcHka3Ol6vpfa O3NrdQIksgI9A7cQcfCcDPiMZHSq6fTtQ7LcZ06Nr/SGGJLKT2mjXouea/CflirVK11fsucs/074K17fwznaQ6pPpXpNf0yzuLZMst7pt1gwk7AOr5LDJHXzqj0 4WZhK27KsEQywUb7 HjvvV1rN1a6k3qGlWTRWsxAKtIfabOcAfdAONjmqbSNEkfUGs5 Z4uDjBKg7yY5DyrRGTxwbaMMoeJLXYtrS u1AkiF1aRr9nJbRAjh6HnkeJB3yaKue0V8bZ7d7mGXIGLi3Vo3 bPdjJx3bj8hR3au6l7N9kLq7tWjE4KRxk9WYA/TNYTRNWlvbdp/VF9NxmNVD5ycA7fnzqvH ROcyci41GBtdNu9Yktsveoxz99VyPDPf51ygrHTrpYMyLKzseJ jy38qVUyyRvSRojilW2ehxx/wCKfnUqxydzj5io41k4RxAHrUyp8P0oqIGzvBLn7p dSIj8mXHlUfBjfcU9eM9 aVHWPKHOMGh7 zW8tZbeVmCSKVbhODg1OGYHFIMwORvUNI5No8m1zQ9R7OO0kbm W1Ayspz7JHulsb7dRvWm7O9sLO9nn0 7upIJ4ACj3TKpmGPawRhTgg4O2R3ZBrZS8EyFJowynmCM5rCdr 9DtNOt0ubGDhRpPbQLsgI5joM4zjwpRim6fmXZ/qsmWKvyMxqMNqNbvbqwnlkhuW4pFZcKXz7y9 e6oODjJ4cc95G5A9fE1ELu3cSFpVRYyQwbbbr41VXmrvO4t7BW yfvd5/it oxo8zqmzb6Rr9zdOdClna4aZG9HOw9uMAEni55HTO/nUOi9ln06ZmLpJk5yBw/ShewvZ 6gv1vnf2 Ejwwefzr0NrfA7s dedll1dPY34lxj1dwSFVWMAg5pU4wSZ2A lKs2y7RaJK3FkHbHf1oqJ8gl3x0oRDGf9iplCnlWyJmYVkHk4N Iqx5H9qhA76S86QQhcjYnNL2ahZmz303jIO5OKiziVgp5Ej51W 6jpa3kTK0rDPhRnpB1 lN4wBzoSpiTa7HlWudgrsTEWUqmN2yVI3HlVp2f7EpaIpmiA6g nc db0kd4zTGcYwMiolKTVNiVJ2kBx2wgjEccICg91RTKVzwkii3P QjNDyO2 /1qpoabAWaUMcTH o0qnMjZ5UqNCstljVTsKmAAHKu0q1xM7HgezXANh50qVII4qAd qYedKlUM4YwqNwKVKq2NEUiLk7Uw7Y/mlSoMYyQbZyaDmJHj50qVFiRDxfCKVKlREf//Z http://c.shld.net/rpx/i/s/pi/mp/19845/3711558508?src=http%3A%2F%2Fecx.images-amazon.com%2Fimages%2FI%2F31ZMBBHS97L._SY300_.jpg&d=478c1ef3c47d28a71441f54a2027f212fd0858da

Does anyone have any of these clamps and if so what are your thoughts?


David Wadstrup
08-15-2013, 10:38 PM
Hi Richard,

I have 4 of them, and really enjoy using them. Of course, they're not going to give you the clamping power of a full sized parallel clamp, but they certainly give enough for most smaller scale clamping situations. At a fraction of the weight. And they're much better than your average F-clamp.

I only had one hang up with them -- opening and closing them took some getting used to. There is a diagram embossed on the jaw, though, that serves as a handy reminder.

Overall, I really recommend them.


mike holden
08-17-2013, 11:14 AM
I have twelve of them, started with two. I really, really like them for the lightness, the ability to sit square on their heads (helps in setting up glue ups), and their seeming imperviousness to glue (titebond 2 and hot hide pop right off when dry).

HIGHLY Recommended!


Jim Becker
08-17-2013, 9:42 PM
I have a bunch of them and they are very nice for general clamping. Do note that they are not precision "parallel" clamps like their big brothers, the K-body or whatever the equivalent is these days. (I haven't looked in catalogs in a couple of years...) But I do like their lighter weight for when I want to use a clamp with a nice wide surface in contact with the material.

glenn bradley
08-17-2013, 10:44 PM
Disclaimer; your favorite clamp or the usefulness thereof is directly related to what you do and how you do it . . .

I have bunches. My favorite and most used clamp. Amazon has a package deal on 2 x 6", 2 x 12" and 2 x 18" (http://www.amazon.com/Bessey-UNIK-6S-Multi-Purpose-Parallel-UniKlamp/dp/B00065WPYI/ref=sr_1_cc_1?s=aps&ie=UTF8&qid=1376793768&sr=1-1-catcorr&keywords=uniklamp) that comes and goes. IIRC, I paid about $105 with free shipping. As mentioned, these are medium-duty clamps but, they cover a wider range of uses in my shop than any others.

richard poitras
08-18-2013, 11:22 AM
Thanks for the feed back, The reason I asked, is I can get some uesd 18’’s for $10.00 a piece (have not seen them but supposable in good shape) I do know the regular K’s are better, but for $10.00 I thought they would be worth it as long as they clamp well for light work.

Mort Stevens
08-18-2013, 6:12 PM
When I was setting up my shop I bought a 16" surface planer and thought an 18" clamp would be useful for board glue-ups. So, I ended up with a bunch of the Bessey 18-in UniKlamps. For the only reason being because the K-Body style doesn't come in an 18" size. I have 12" and 24" K-Bodys and these 18" UniKlamps fill the gap, but they're a bit on the light-duty side for serious work. I often find myself reaching for the 24" K-Bodys even in situations where an 18" clamp would be more appropriate to use - that's not to say they're a bad clamp, it's just a little lightweight for my tastes and I think you may find the same thing. Were I starting my shop from scratch today, I'd skip the UniKlamps completely. http://img534.imageshack.us/img534/126/bxka.jpg Excuse the pile, I gave my clamp cart away in hopes of it motivating me to building a better one... well, that's the plan anyway! ;)

Sam Murdoch
08-18-2013, 6:22 PM
Except Mort - Richard can buy these for $10.00 each :eek:. Sounds like a deal too good to pass up even if these clamps some day get back benched in favor of something more rugged.

Loren Woirhaye
08-18-2013, 11:09 PM
They're ok. They don't weigh much and the jaws sort of imitate the parallelism of k-body clamps, but under real pressure they are not even close to the same thing.

Loren Woirhaye
08-18-2013, 11:11 PM
At $10 a pop they are a steal. Super clamps for that kind of cash.