View Full Version : Southwestern style HF

Dennis Ford
08-14-2013, 10:02 PM
This HF was turned green from Holly, I added some "graffiti" to it. Laying out the pattern was a bit of a challenge due to the warped shape but I like the result. It is about 9 inches diameter.
Comments and critiques welcome.

paul burk
08-14-2013, 10:11 PM
is it burned in?does not look like segments,very nice!Did you soak the holly in hth or pool chlorine?

Kathy Marshall
08-14-2013, 10:16 PM
Looks great Dennis! Nice job on the pyro too!

charlie knighton
08-15-2013, 4:12 AM
nicely done, give some details on how you laid out the burning, i have often admired the southwestern pattern you chose but have never attemped it

Michelle Rich
08-15-2013, 5:36 AM
wow Dennis, quite adventuresome..really like the pattern you chose. Good job!

Dennis Ford
08-15-2013, 7:25 AM
nicely done, give some details on how you laid out the burning, i have often admired the southwestern pattern you chose but have never attemped it

I put the dried piece between centers as best I could with a little cushion. With the lathe turning slowly, I was able to draw pencil lines around it by resting my hand on the surface. I then marked off index lines near the opening, at max diameter and near the bottom; my lathe has 36 positions, I used them all. With the piece off the lathe, I connected intersections of index marks and circumferential lines to get the angular spiral pattern. The curved line bisecting each section was done freehand. The warped shape left quite a bit of variability in the pattern (which I consider to be a good thing).

George Bokros
08-15-2013, 7:39 AM
Very nice work. For me it would be challenging.

Billy Tallant
08-15-2013, 8:44 AM
That is one very nice looking HF!!! The pattern really sets it off. Amazing work on that pattern work.

Brian Kent
08-15-2013, 9:32 AM
Really a fine job all the way around (and all the way across and diagonally too).

Thom Sturgill
08-15-2013, 9:35 AM
One of the things that I have commented on in the past is the lack of decoration patterns that are typical of the pottery being emulated.

When one is making turnings that specifically pay homage to a pottery style, whether Grecian, south-west Native American, or whatever, decorating it in a pattern that relates the piece to the culture is totally appropriate and I would like to see more people doing it. Very good job sir!

Bernie Weishapl
08-15-2013, 10:42 AM
Really nice looking piece Dennis. Really like the pyro.

Curt Fuller
08-15-2013, 7:30 PM
Wow, that's nice!